I would not use the word "hot." To her credit she seems to tone up well when she has worked out for some length of time. Not there yet.


There's definitely still something about her, for all that she's mad as a box of frogs.


Holy terror that woman,


the way she plays with them knives..

ooohh mama


She’s lost her curvy, hourglass figure and has sort of a straight, boxy torso now. She also has kind of a shrink-wrapped face (lost all her youthful babyfat), and NEVER should have thinned her nose. Also wears way too much eye make-up.

All that said, she’s an attractive lady who badly needs some therapy.


i call it "gremlin body".

not saying she doesnt workout. But its as you described. Loss of or no hourglass figure. esp as they age and gain weight, but it distributes poorly and gives them a disproportionately large upper body and small legs.

also that dead eyed, unblinking stare common among the mentally ill


What "gives them a disproportionately large upper body and small legs"? The birds view perspective used in these photos/vids? Yeah, you are probably right. 🙄


She is still smoking hot. Aside from some of the really bad paparazzi photos, when she wants to look good in front of the cameras, she does.


Absolutely, and you know she's crazy in the sack. I would hit it without reservation.


She has never looked her hot. Her face alone screams retarded mongoloid.




It cracks me up when gay guys make comments about whether women are hot. 😄


Sorry but no I think she's aged horribly. Not surprising though after a couple of kids and being a mental case not working to fully recover from it.


Yes, she's still quite hot.
I'm not wild about knives during sexy time though.


She said in an interview they’re plastic props and she was emulating Shakira’s knife dance:

