MovieChat Forums > Hilary Swank Discussion > Do less attractive actors receive more c...

Do less attractive actors receive more credibility

I am not saying that Swank is not talented, but asking in general.
For example, if you did a test with the same actress giving the same audition, but disguised as homely in one read, would she receive a higher grade?


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Well, yes, except I don't think some of eye candy is that attractive.

However, what about my test:


'This bitch is hideous, so I don't understand this post on her board'.
That's because you misnderstood; I am not saying that Swank is one of the more attractive actresses. She's average-looking


The film industry is actually renowned for being partial to good-looking people. Less attractive actors usually end up doing 'character' or supporting roles, while the romantic leads - which Hilary has played - go to the better-looking.


Basically youre asking if she were more attractive would she be more popular. The answer is: DUH! Absolutely. And what a shame that is because she is a two time Oscar winner who totally earned and deserves her two wins. Plus, its not like she's ugly. She's totally attractive, just not in comparison to some other. Its being judged on an unfair scale.


The OP never saw Karate Kid 4...
If he saw and still think she's average, he has problems...
I came from a place where women are absurdly hot, and she would have no problem in have success with men here.
