MovieChat Forums > Hilary Swank Discussion > Disparity in offered income

Disparity in offered income

Hilary Swank discussed to her interviewer how she was offered only $500K for a woman role compared to the 10 million offered to the male co-star who had less marque value than she did. I can sympathize with Swank and I think I would also have been outraged at being low-balled for a acting salary when I knew I was worth much more. However I think I know the reason: Hollywood's hypocrisy about women. Hollywood loves to champion itself as a bedrock supporter of women's rights but is the first to throw women under the bus. When actresses age, Hollywood has little use for them. True there have been actresses who achieved continuing work and fame after their prime years but they have been few and far between, and usually filled roles of classy older women characters. Hilary Swank got older, that's all there is to it.


Do you think Hilary has marquee value? She has two Oscars and that's very impressive, but I don't know of anyone who is eagerly anticipating the "next Hilary Swank" movie. She hasn't had a box office hit in awhile. Male stars get penalized, too, when their careers stall.

Finally, where else but in Fantasy La La Land would a paycheck of $500,000 for a few months work be considered chump change. Sorry, I don't understand her feelings of unfairness.
