MovieChat Forums > Michelle Trachtenberg Discussion > Needs to shake up her career by getting ...

Needs to shake up her career by getting nude

Most of the Best Actress Oscars since 1970 were given to women who appeared nude in films.

Time for Michelle to do the same. Take a very dramatic emotional role that involves total nudity.

And do it before she gets too old or pops out a kid.


So appearing nude would suddenly improve her acting skill enough to win an Oscar?


i don't get it either, not that i would complain if she ever showed her goods but OP makes no sense.


because getting nude sells and she might get more roles for it like some careers have launched because of a nude.

I dont think so. For starters it's not like she's got something out of this world and secondly she's the type that should be in cute roles not actually needed for nudes.


They said the same about Anne Hathaway at first. Then she got naked in two films and went on to win an Oscar and a has a very successful career.

Jennifer Lawrence did it in reverse — won two Oscars and then got naked — but I’m not complaining.


Reread my post. A majority of Oscar winning actresses since 1970 have been nude in one or more roles, usually in the roles that win them Oscars. Stats don’t lie. No, getting naked alone will not guarantee an Oscar, but it can grab attention in the right roles.


Maybe, but the majority of actresses who appear nude in a movie do not win Oscars.


And a majority of actresses who appear in movies period don’t win Oscars.

Yet, again, almost every Oscar winner and nominee since 1970 has been naked onscreen.

It’s the only differentiator.




I know. Thinking of hot actresses naked makes me happy too.


She was nude in a bathtub in Harriet the Spy (1996).


can you see her boobs??


can you see her boobs??

She had none to see back then. Bitter irony here is that now she's got them, but she's at an age where the demand for a glimpse at the goods has declined sharply



She was nude in a bathtub in Harriet the Spy (1996).

Uuuuuhhh......when she was fucking ELEVEN YEARS OLD?????

WTF dude????😱 And besides that, it was obviously only implied nudity: you didn't actually see her naked! (For obvious reasons!)

Do you drool over Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby also ?(Who actually was seen nude in that film.....when she was 12 years old, & it caused a shit storm at the time obviously!!)😱😱😱


