MovieChat Forums > Harvey Weinstein Discussion > He is facing life imprisonment in the US...

He is facing life imprisonment in the USA?

It that's true then fantastic, at least the US legal system have gotten things right with sentencing.

In Europe he would certainly have just been given a non custodial sentence and made to promise that he will try to stop doing any more raping in future.

And if he was Asian and Muslim then Angela Merkel herself would have turned up at court and pleaded that he needs to be released back into the community because "diversity makes us stronger".

Well done America, keep that bastard in prison for the rest of his miserable existence.


No; he must be understood.

*obvious sarcasm*


From what I have heard, the vast majority of his time on Earth has been miserable.


how so?


It's a hard life when you look like Pizza the Hut.


it is but he managed to succeed and become insanely rich, so I'm sure he enjoyed it.


No, I'm sure he's had a good time during his time on Earth!

Of course he's spread misery wherever he's been in person, but that's different.


no proof, just a witchunt like the pudding pop guy


I think for him a woman actually wore a video camera to catch him, which makes this different than all other cases. Usually there is no proof and we are asked to trust women because they are women, even though they have obvious motive to lie and no repercussions. Personally I am just surprised he is not a homosexual Pedophile since he is from Hollywood.


still can't believe this is happening, so surreal.
