MovieChat Forums > Alfre Woodard Discussion > How dare Desperate Housewives squander +...

How dare Desperate Housewives squander + disrespect AW and her talent!

AW could act all of those hactresses (though I will say that Felicity Hoffman and Marcia Cross are good at what they do) under a table. Nicollette Sheridan...Eva Longoria...?! Please.

...sadly though, I knew it would happen. I predicted when it was announced that she was "joining the cast" of DH that they would wind up doing this, and then they went and did it. I won't list my reasons *why* they got rid of her, but I will say that they are very obvious...


Agreed. Hmmm...Could it be the only reason they put her on in the first place?

*signature under construction*


I thought that the only reason she left was because her story was wrapped up...? Or have I missed your point completely?


They put her on with no intentions of making her a regular, in my opinion.


On so many "Television" shows, there are people who play a "part". Do I need to give you the definitions to these words "Qram"? I (and everyone else) can see through your pitiful excuse of a post. You are trying to use the race card out there. Why do paople jump to STUPID and RACISTS conclusions about everything. SHUT the *beep* UP and get a life. You yourself are the rasist one. I thought she was wonderful on Desperate Housewives - she brought so much to the season, soooooooooo - YOU need to go and figure out why you are so angry and for what reason.


Interesting post. My question is for tiltmonster: If AW was so "wonderful" on Desperate Housewives and if "she brought so much to the season", why did they cut her from the show? Wouldn't it be wise to keep her then?


the matter has nothing to do with whether or not she brings "much to the season"...mainstream america has absolutely no's no secret.


Her stint on DH was abominable, and it was the ultimate reason I stopped watching that show. The way the storyline was written and executed was atrocious. It started with so much promise but went downhill from there.

They just wanted to say that they had blacks on the show. That was the ONLY reason Alfre Woodard got the part.

I need Jesus like a starving lion needs a vegetarian platter


WTF!!! Why... WHY..WHY...WHY... - It is not like they sought her out to only play for one season and to kill off the African American - a part was written (BLACK, WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, ORANGE, RED, YELLOW), Auditions taken, reviews done, and parts chosen. I am sure that the part was not written specifically for an African American family. You should know on DH that NO character is absolute. WHY WHY WHY does it always have to be about race? I do not understand? I do not see people as colors - Why do you have to?
