She's brilliant

She is what you call an actress! not a celeb but an actress. she always gives you one hundred percent. Go watch Miss Firecracker. She is brilliant. She and Felicity are the only reasons to watch Desperate Housewives.


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Yep, I liked her final scene on DH last Sunday where she explains about Caleb to Bree. She was all teary-eyed! Good job. Awwww... :))


I would love to see her get more recognition and roles. I fell in love with her in Miss Evers Boys. What a powerhouse. She can take anything and make it fantastic. The woman is brilliant.


I think she's terrific she's long been one of my favorites Passion Fish, The Piano Lesson Cross Creek Etc. She's never given less than an excellent performance this woman's amazing I hope others get to see that.
