
me and a friend are obsessed with betty Applewhite and are making a page of Betty-isms. so far we have

" I don't do lessons"
" I'm making cherry pie"
" Sometimes you just have to laugh"
" Oh, dear"

if anyone can give me n my friend anymore, please do

My teenage ansgt has a body count


love it, here's one

"here's something i just picked up" (proceeds to play advanced classical piano)
big fan of the idea


it's good when she says to her son
"Write her a poem it's free"

And also when she turns up at Bree's and starts blackmailing her, what she says then is really cool although i can't remeber exactly what she said.

I'll fight you, anything to break the boredome


I like it the way shes says (something like this)

"Caleb told her he loved her...and she laughed in his face"

(\__/)This is Bunny Paste him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain world
