Condoleeza Rice

Does she have a problem with Rice? What is it? I heard her make some kind of snide remark on ET, but it wasn't elaborated. Woodard is an amazing, accomplished actress, and I don't want my respect for her to diminish.


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Why would your respect diminish? Because she has a different opinion than yours?


It would depend on what that opinion is, and it's my choice to respect it or not.


Alfre Woodard was in Milwaukee yesterday. (See pics at )

She is an OUTSTANDING public speaker. She commented about Condoleeza, apparently in response to criticisms about which I was unaware until reading this message board, to the extent that she supported any sister who was making it and doing well - she just wished she was working for a better bunch of people.

Got to shake her hand and express my appreciation for everything she does - me just learning about this speaking out publicly to Get Out The Vote, yesterday, after she'd left a (machine generated) message on my machine on Saturday inviting me to the rally - me being a long supporter of Gwen Moore, the woman who is going to become the very First Black elected official to go to Congress from Wisconsin when she wins against the Republican candidate on November 2nd - the 4th Congressional district has only 24% registered Republicans and Gwen won her (also First Black Woman) State Senate seat a dozen years ago in a majority White district -- Gwen, having worked her way up from welfare mom and putting herself through college, not being one who likes to play the race card.

I'm now looking forward to Alfre's possible entry into the political sphere - if she's living in California, she could be a good match to go up against The Hulk now in office. ;)


I was just making sure Ms. Bug Eyes wasn't one of the celebrities calling Rice and other black Republicans a 'house slave' or other racist remark. Glad she is not.


::Yawn:: Whatever


Ms. Woodard is good at her craft and ensconced in Hollywood's politically liberal-socialist mindset, as are most of the top actors. One can admire the talent and ignore the politics, at least until the line is crossed.


So what if she does? Its her opinion. Rice may be a nice well meaning person, but under her watch 9-11 happened, and we entered a war under false pretense (non extant WMD's). Those are two facts, plain and simple, so she is certainly worthy of scrutiny at the very least! Anyone who calls her reputation into question certainly deserves to have their questions answered...isnt that part of living in a free society with a government that is accountable to its constituents?
