To him: Thank you

Paul W.S. Anderson, I just wanted to say thank you.

Your movies haven't always been very good, but they've kept me entertained for hours. When there's all these issues going on in the country, and everybody sees every friggin' movie as some kind of political platform, thank you for making / producing things like Resident Evil, DOA: Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat, Pompeii, and Death Race so I can tune out of the world for an hour and a half sometimes.

Your movies may not be "meaningful cinema" but sometimes I think watching a fun movie is meaning enough.

Much love, and take good care of Milla and the kids.

— pajamawolfie

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch


Great post dear. I like many films from this guy. He's such an underrated director
