MovieChat Forums > Paul W.S. Anderson Discussion > I wish he made more films

I wish he made more films

It's been four years since his last movie, the final Resident Evil film. If his next film is released on schedule it will come out next year, exactly half-a-decade since RE: The Final Chapter. Five years is a long time between movies.

We can argue all day about the quality of his films, but I personally find many of his movies to be a lot of fun and solid popcorn entertainment.

I don't think he's made a single movie that I didn't enjoy at least a little bit. Sure, some I like more than others, but there's not one that I straight up dislike.

Right now I'm rewatching Pompeii and having a pretty good time doing it.


Good to find someone who appreciates his films.
I know lot of Resident Evil fans hate him for his adaptation. But if you set aside fan rage and nostalgia for a minute, you'll realize that Resident Evil is actually a pretty solid and fun movie. There's a reason it's one of the highest rated video game movies out there. Plus, it launched a series that spanned well over a decade with continued success, how many video game adaptations have done that? So he must be doing something right with that series.

Alien vs. Predator is another film he gets disparaged for. While that movie is deeply flawed, it didn't ruin anything established in the Alien series. The Xenomorphs may have been on earth, but they were all blown up in an isolated cave in Antarctica, so it's not like Paul had them run around in a town full of witnesses and cameras... unlike The Strause Brothers with their take on Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.
And also, at least AVP had an excellent production design and great cinematography unlike AVPR, and the aliens weren't a bunch of pathetic bugs that couldn't even get out of the Predators grip.



When I first saw Resident Evil I was pretty disappointed in it because I wanted something closer to the game, with the STARS team creeping around the mansion. What we got is something different, but if you judge it on its own merits, it's not a bad action-horror film. A little while back I did an RE marathon and watched the entire series and I had a good time with it. The films are very uneven and flawed, but there are also a lot of positives (visuals, characters, action scenes) that make them worth the trip.

I also enjoyed AvP and, yes, the first one was WAY, WAY better than Requiem, which sucked terribly. AvP feels like a Junior/Middle-School version of Alien and Aliens, but much like RE, if you can watch it without making comparisons then you should find things to appreciate.

Anderson first came onto my radar with Mortal Kombat, which is probably still, to this day, the best video game movie ever made. I rewatched it a few years ago and thought it held up pretty well and was still a lot of fun. Soldier was also pretty good and deserved to perform better at the box office than it did. The Three Musketeers has some significant flaws, but I enjoyed it well enough. And Pompeii was fun, with its over-top-villain turn from Keifer Sutherland, its casting of Kit Harrington as the lead, and its Gladiator-meets-Dante's Peak storyline.

Hopefully Monster Hunter will be enjoyable and financially successful and it won't take four years for him to make another movie.
