MovieChat Forums > Judd Apatow Discussion > "This is just the beginning" .... really...

"This is just the beginning" .... really????

What, the beginning of the removal of free speech?

What the people at Berkeley did was the textbook definition of fascism. My God these people are beyond stupid. The hypocrisy is way over the top.

Apatow is another out of touch, limousine liberal who has no business talking as if he's one of the "people". He's not. He lives in an isolated and pampered bubble and needs to stfu.

PS - I will never watch another movie of his ever again.


Hear, hear!!!
He just made the boycott list!!


Do you have a link for the boycott list?


I don't know why you are so surprised. Apatow is just another hollywood hypocrite.


What the people at Berkeley did was the textbook definition of fascism. My God these people are beyond stupid. The hypocrisy is way over the top.
Next time they prepare some ovens to put the "evil racists" away.

This town needs an enema!


I feel disgusted that I ever watched any of his movies.


It's indeed hilarious when these super rich guys want to team up with young antifa morons. It's at least funnier than his comedies.


the people at Berkeley and their supporters = Sturmabteilung

Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties


