He's hot....

Just saw him in Sisters. Never realized how hot he was.


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Likewise! Not familiar with his previous work but will definitely look out for him now as he's got good comic timing and plays his role just right - and has one of the funniest scenes in the whole film!


Totally agreed! I have always been kind of on the fence as to wether or not I found him REALLY attractive. But damn he was hot in Sisters.


I'll have to disagree. When I saw the trailer for Sisters I was like, "What? We're supposed to believe the annoying nurse from The Mindy Project is the hot guy in the movie? Was the alternate title Opposite Day?" Having seen the movie, it makes sense that his appeal is that he used to be overweight and got better looking. But this guy is not genetically fortunate. Some people find him very funny (I don't), but I have a difficult time seeing how anyone could find him attractive. The only thing that's hot about him is his temperature during a fever.
