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People already regretting voting for Biden

Slow Joe off to a rough start. I'll give him 2 more weeks.


He's doing pretty well, considering so much information was withheld from him and he's only now getting up to speed on a lot of things (like the vaccine rollout clusterfuck). Where he can do things instantly by Executive Order, he is. Legislation takes time. Sooner or later they're going to get rid of the filibuster. Even guys like Joe Manchin will have no choice but to vote for that, if Mitch the Big Money Bitch goes into total obstruction mode again, as I predict he will.

Compared to the Big Orange Fascist - and traitor - I can't imagine anyone regretting their vote for Biden. The speed with which he's stripped away Trump's horrible executive actions and ousted his ass kissing toadies from government agencies is impressive. The only legacy Donald Trump will leave behind is a cautionary tale of what happens when one major political party loses every principle except the will to power.


If by doing well, you mean destroying our country then yes, he's doing pretty well.


Not even close.

In one day he reversed all four years of Trump's executive orders.


I would've paid good money to see Donald Trump's reaction to Biden signing those orders - you know he was watching. 😳


I hear ya. That's what happens when all a president does is by executive order. Obama signed a lot himself, but there were things also done by supermajority and then the nuclear option. Outside of executive orders, all Trump did were tax cuts which is the default of what every repub administration does.

Definitely would've liked being a fly on the wall seeing Trump's reaction to four years of his presidency getting wiped out.


which was great. lol.


He was always known for being one of the dimmest bulbs in politics, and that was before his current cognitive impairment issues.

What kind of moron, faced with a pandemic, rising unemployment and economic turmoil, makes it a Day 1 priority to end a project that will cost thousands of high-wage jobs and drive energy costs higher?


Who does that. Hmmm. Someone who's trying to prevent an ecological disaster?

And a few thousand temporary jobs isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to how many have been lost. Besides which, that stupid pipeline was meant to carry oil from Canada to refineries in Texas for processing and subsequent export. Yeah, they tend to avoid mentioning that part. None of it was intended for domestic consumption anyway. It was all about oil company profits.

We need to get the hell off of fossil fuels, not produce even more. That's how you get millions of permanent high paying jobs in growth industries, which will replace the ones disappearing from the fading petroleum sector. It'll be win-win for the entire population ... except for Big Oil executives. Oh how my heart bleeds for them! 🤗


We can't afford your climate change hoax. Senate filibuster will kill the climate proposals, along with amnesty for illegals and all of the other fantasies Biden is throwing around.

He has no mandate and no real support. He was "elected" by fraud and because he is "not Trump". His presidency will be an ellipsis between Trump's first and second terms.


Okay fanatic. Got news for you: even Joe Manchin will vote to kill the filibuster if Mitch abuses it too extensively. I'm sorry you're one of those ignorant, backward shitkickers who believes in conspiracy shlock and doesn't have a shadow of a clue. A fish out of water in the age of advanced technology. You're in a small and rapidly shrinking minority. The world is going on without you, passing you by, and your impotent rage won't change that.


Lots of shitkickers in West Virginia. Trump won the state by 40 points.

Biden's agenda is DOA.


You illustrate my point. It's the ignorant and uneducated who vote for a guy like Trump, a fascist, because they're too weak minded to think for themselves and need a dictator type to do it for them.

Like I said, even Joe Manchin will lose his re-election if nothing gets done so he will vote to kill the filibuster if Mitch tries to Obama Joe Biden and block everything. And besides much of the Green New Deal is such that it's perfectly suited for budget reconciliation. Between that and executive action the majority of the climate agenda is going to happen no matter what Moscow Mitch (or you) would like. And that's assuming the filibuster remains in place, which I doubt it will. The Republicans won't be able to resist being total across the board obstructionists. It's the only play in their book.


The first rule of fascism is to call everyone else fascist.

Also the first rule of morons is to change rules thinking the rules will not eventually apply to them. Already forgot about the stacked supreme court dummy?


What about it? There are no fundamental constitutional issues at play here. Dummy!


Turtle Joe


But nobody voted for him anyway


You're gonna have a miserable 4 more years


Frankly i wish we could have had a sane 3rd option. By the time hes done hes going force all school kids to Cross-dress in order to graduate high school. And lets face it, Biden senile ass isn't in charge. The black lady is pulling all the strings.


Except she's not black (except for her heart).
