MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Trump ruined the great economy he inheri...

Trump ruined the great economy he inherited by not fighting COVID-19

Fortunately Biden is bringing the USA back from the brink.


No replies means the site is infected by the alt-right nut jobs.


No replies means you're a crappy troll. 😉




lolz pwned!




No replies means entertaining your pathetic troll job isn't worth anyone's time.


Aha. Well it's good that you replied then.


You asked why no one was replying and I just thought I'd give you a friendly heads up.


No replies means that you have annoyed the naysayers with that very clever title. 🎁


Why, thank you.


Trump inherited a mediocre economy, built it up to a much stronger level, and the left ruined it with their idiotic corona virus hysteria. Now Biden is doing everything he (or his puppet masters) can do to make it worse.


All you do is lie. What a wasted life.


I hope you get paid to be this stupid. But I think not, you probably act like a moron for free.


Sorry, I can't hear you over Biden stumbling over his words and his loud farting.


And yet you live because Biden saved you


Biden can't even walk up a flight of stairs without falling over (thrice)

We get it, you (obviously) need the attention (that's lacking at home) but surely you can troll better than this?
Biden is a sickly, malnourished, spastic, mong-child, who (mercifully) needs putting out of everyone's misery.
America (especially his poor wife) will be so relieved, when the feeble old fart stops breathing (which, given recent footage, can't be too long now?)

And I mean that most sincerely (seriously) The dems are exploiting a guy with (obvious) dementia (and *YOU* know this, beyond any further 'glib' reply you may make)


It's called working together. Go live in Russia or Turkey if you want a dictatorship.


I mention the (ever-growing) worrying evidence about Bidens state (and not just the ones he 'bought pre election')...but instead you deflect with some incoherent bullshit about (quote) "working together" which makes zero fucking sense to not only MY point (but also your own)

Given that you're almost certain to disagre (by proxy) with any reply I may give (plus that 'rationality' and 'Biden supporting' rarely go hand-in-hand) I've broken it up into 2 answers (in a desperate attempt to bring order to your initial nonsensical response)

Answer 1) Why not address any of the (obviously uncomfortable) home truths about Bidens mental issues?

Answer 2) I'd gladly live in Russia, except that Biden (or his puppeteers) keep threatening to go to war with it?
