MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > He is ‘sick and tired’ of the gun massac...

He is ‘sick and tired’ of the gun massacres. Aren’t we all.

Enough is enough now. He is trying to make your children safe from each other in the future.

Get rid of the stain on America, once and for all.

America is a good country, it can be greater.

Ban the guns.


How about we just enforce the laws we already have? Something Biden and his cult don’t really seem too interested in. The DemoKKKrat position in a nutshell

- Let violent criminals out of prison
- Don’t enforce the law
- Defund the police
- Take away the right for ordinary citizens to protect themselves against the BLM/Antifa thugs that they refuse to prosecute.
- Give themselves tax payer funded security

If you don’t understand how royally fucked that logic is then there’s no hope for you.



Your source referred to the 2nd Amendment as a “cult”, clearly not objective. Secondly does Britain have a DemoKKKrat cult who is actively encouraging far left terrorists to kill people? Two completely different cultures, apples and oranges.


I live in the UK, and I'm glad to say that deaths from guns, compared to the USA, are very rare indeed, most cases of gun deaths being in the country by farmers, etc.

Why do you Americans not only jail more people than anyone else in the world, but have more gun deaths than anyone else in the world as well? Are you PROUD of those two shameful records?


The problem is we have is we have created a culture where certain demographics don’t have to be held accountable for their actions which has created a sense of entitlement. Not only that it is also causing children to grow up in single parent households which automatically puts them at risk and only causes the cycle to continue. As well anyone who even dares to try to address the problem is shamed and smeared on national television. All of this is perpetuated by certain politicians because they need to appeal to their voting base. This is the primary reason for the gun violence.

EDIT: Also if you outlaw guns the only people who will obey the law are people who already wouldn’t have used them to kill innocent people. All you would have done is make it harder for innocent people to defend themselves. The criminals will not give their guns up because they have already determined that they don’t give a damn about the law or society.


Agreed, it's a messed-up situation.


Most guns have never been used until somebody snaps and decides to shoot a school/cinema/mall/church up, or get in an argument and shoot instead of punching because they are terrified the other person has a gun.


The politicians who want to take guns away from people who follow the law are the same ones actively encouraging political violence. Until they take a stand against far left terrorism they have no moral ground to talk about taking away anyone’s gun


I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. - Monster Raving Loony Party


And Ozzy Osbourne


Poor old Ozzy. When are they going to open up the euthanasia clinics !?


Not before I am able to see him in concert for the first time. I was going to go to OzzFest when I was 16 but my verbally abusive mother convinced me that I wasn’t mature enough to handle it because she was trying to create the illusion that I was out of control so my Dad (who was also verbally abusive) who had moved out would move back in. It was a pretty messed up situation.


It's nothing that a well placed hand grenade couldn't have fixed.


Are you kidding? They were open for the last 2 years! People lined up to get them!


Ban democrats instead!


Exactly, when DemoKKKrats are in charge, innocent people die and violent criminals thrive. They have everything ass backwards.


Whereas when the Republicans are in charge violent criminals thrive and innocent people die...


Again you have that ass backwards. Republicans are on the side of law and order, they are on the side of people who respect the law and society. DemoKKKrats are on the side of whoever is dumb or naive enough to vote for them.


As an outside observer there doesn't seem to be much noticeable difference between the two as far as mass shootings are concerned.


The Republicans at least want to do something about it though, sure they don’t always follow through because they are spineless but they at least are better than the DemoKKKrats.




It's liberal/democrat ideology and policies that create these monsters in the first place.

Banning guns will just get more people shot and you won't win anyway. That is literally the reason for the 2nd Amendment.




Until the left actually starts enforcing the laws we already have and quit releasing violent criminals and terrorists for political reasons, all you will be doing is making more people vulnerable to being killed by far left terrorists.

If we ban guns are you people going to drop the whole “defund the police” bullshit?

Also you are comparing two completely different cultures, apples and oranges.


Everything I posted is correct. Idiot.

We may speak versions of the same language but the US ain't the UK.


It should be, because America has gone to the lunatic bin since we left.

Make Idiot Americans Great British Again.


Oh yes, invite the tyrants back. God, the ignorance of you people.

Nice response to a two week old post.



Tyrants were the US who profiteered from slavery.

UK ended it.


America is a country founded on guns and freedom!! if u want to ban guns u have to kill half the population, especially after this vax pushing gestapo shit they are trying to pull! i will take a bullet before i let some commie libturd disarm me of my GOD given right to bear arms!!!


Weed and fox news?


Totally agree with you, kill all liberals then we can really be great again.


Not sure if I’d want to kill liberals but they should definitely be sent away to some kind of re-education camp.


Founded on freedom hahaha? By enslaving millions of black Africans to do the hard work for you.

What a joke.


Are you really this ignorant of your own history or are you just playing dumb? First of all, they were enslaved by Africans, Dutch and English slave traders brought them here. You're so self righteous, England didn't outlaw slavery until the 1820's.


The British Navy had the West African squadron 40 years before America did.



Wow, your ignorance is truly impressive!


Just stated facts. Your reply shows that ya got nothing.


USA is a great place where free citizens enjoy GOD given gun rights for self preservation, britain is a shitty little overpopulated rock with too many rules and no freedoms, ruled by imbred pedo royals. USA USA USA!!!!!!!


There is no god. That’s why you think it is ok to shoot each other, because a made up God says it's ok?


You really are retarded but that explains a lot.


You believe in god, explains everything.


Oh you have painted a very vibrant picture of yourself with your vitriol.


I’d never use the r word that you throw around as an insult.

Decent people don’t do that.


You think you're entitled to polite conversation? Try again.


if a Godless commie bastard libturd like urself wants to disarm me then i say come and get it. i will die on my feet before living on my knees like some dumbass british cuck puppet!! God will judge us all at the end. any man coming for ur God given 2nd amendment rights isn't a righteous man and deserves death for trying to disarm u. God will judge me!! i take orders from no man!!! USA USA USA!!!!!!


Your English is absolutely terrible.

Should have spent more time in school than church.

This is only about ending the killings. But you seem to want more killings. Says it all.


english?!? i dont speak that fag language i speak Murican!!! USA USA USA!!!!!! my parents immigrated from commie countries were government would kill millions by organized famine after they disarmed the citizens of their right to defend themselves & their property. i wont let history repeat itself and die an unarmed man. i will die with my guns!! i was born with my gun rights, a free USA citizen, and i will die a free man!!!! Muricaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


Not facts at all, not even close. Just your bullshit ignorant opinion.


Just facts we got rid years before you.


another MM, media will be quiet...


So last week we sent another 40 Billion dollars to Ukraine..

The same day Congress voted down a 48 Billion dollar aid package for small business owners..

The left doesn’t want to protect your children, they could easily install metal detectors and a whole slew of precautionary measures. In every school across the country 40 Billion can go a long way to that cause.

The left uses your children as pawns so they can pass their agenda…..they KILL them and immediately start screaming about gun control…..

If they can’t kill them in the womb, they will kill them in a gun free zone..


Just ban the guns. It’s so easy, costs nothing and it works.


Are you on glue?


You must be on fox news.


Ahhh so you watch network news. Enough said....


Fox news sucks, so does the USA gun laws.


You are correct. All network news is propaganda and according to the United States Constitution, there should be no gun laws.


Yet there are guns.

Screw the constitution of a brand new country that was built on slavery.


The country wasn't built on cotton and tobacco. Slavery was the norm all over the world since the dawn of man. The US and other Western countries were the ones who abolished slavery. It still goes on in the Middle East, Africa and other sh*T holes of the world. Dang for a minute there I though you were seeing the light. If you are so obsessed with slaves, you can buy them on Facebook.


No the country was already inhabited by Native Americans.

The UK would have abolished slavery far sooner if the USA didn’t get independence.

And of course your country was founded on slavery, slaves built the White House. Ironic.


Nothing you said made any sense. What the heck is wrong with you?


That’s when you realise the slaughter of native americans and the horror of slavery is your history.


I AM a native American. Who the F cares? I didn't realize there was an argument.


The argument is about guns.


Our God given right to bear arms shall not be infringed. There's no argument. There is no law averse to this other than by Satan himself. Choose a side.


There is no such thing as god.

If there was he would not allow USA lunatics to shoot innocent school children.


The lunatics who shot up children are the globalist establishment. The Democrat party...the same party who was the Confederacy that had the slaves, later the KKK and now they are destroying our children. They live off the blood of the innocent. At least I know what side you are on. I'm sorry you have not found God. I will pray for you.


I have definitely not found god, but reading your last conspiracy-laden reply you clearly found the hash pipe years ago.


I do not do drugs. I also do not have conversations with Satan's flock. I dust my feet of this conversation but I stood by my word and put you in my prayers. I hope you will see the light because I believe you do have hope. God bless.


Please do not pray for me, you are wasting your time. There is no god.

I feel bad for you that the Christians destroyed your home and made you believe in a different god.

But you seem like a really good person so respect to you.


He's just an ignorant troll. Not worth your time.


With the way things are now all you would be doing is leaving innocent people vulnerable to far left terrorists/thugs. The left will not hold them accountable for their insurrections and murder, they want to defund the police so now literally the only way to keep yourself from being killed by them is to defend yourself with a gun.


how many school shootings had been BEFORE that massacre? I assume none because it's in the title: "one single massacre". So how do we know that was what stopped something that never happened before???


I'd love for you to explain how it's A) easy, B) cost nothing, and C) works... it seems to me like it would be A)insanely difficult, B) cost a fortune, and C) not work.


It’s really as easy as A B C. Gun amnesty. No more school massacres in the UK.


Actually, it's not. We live in a constitutional federal republic with laws, a constitution, and millions of people who own guns.

You'll have to amend the constitution to ban guns, which would have to be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. Do you think two-thirds of the States will do that? There is absolutely NO WAY that will ever happen.

The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.

That will take $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. That will take votes. That will take politicians willing to put their neck out against their constituents and risk their positions at the next election.

Let's say you get that. Then you have to get the guns. You think people are going to willingly give up their guns? There would be a gazillion people who would say their guns were lost, stolen, or sunk with their boat.

But let's say you get that. Those who have illegal guns (gangs, criminals, etc) are going to be the only ones besides the police that have them (or are you taking them from the police too like in the UK? Because that sounds like a nightmare because of said criminals).

You say there are no more school massacres in the UK. Switzerland has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world and they have no school massacres. Perhaps it's not about guns but about culture and society. Did the US have school massacres 30 years ago? 40 years ago? If not then what has changed in the last 20 or so years that has caused this?


Just a stricter way to obtain guns would be beneficial. A lot of mass shooters buy their weapons within 1-2 years of the shooting. If we made a process of background checks and licensing for weapons we would probably see an immediate decrease in shootings and responsible people could still have their guns.


We defend our politicians with guns, why the hell can’t we defend our children with guns? It’s simple hire ex-military/ex-law enforcement individuals to guard schools.


That definitely worked in the Buffalo shooting didn't it?


Whether or not it worked in one example is irrelevant, it will make it harder for shooters to kill children. Why do we protect our defund the police politicians with guns if they don’t work?


How is it irrelevant? It's literally the exact situation you described.

Funny thing about the Uvalde shooting too. There were a bunch of law enforcement agencies there with guns, yet they still didn't enter the building for a half hour while kids were being shot.


Because you are selectively choosing which examples support your premise. Sure the armed security has to act but there is a zero percent chance they will act if we don’t have them in the first place. Funny how DemoKKKrats love armed security when they get it but when it comes to the children they just aren’t worth it. The DemoKKKrat plan is literally for more dead children. You didn’t answer my question: If armed security doesn’t work then why are we wasting tax payer dollars on armed security for the defund the police DemoKKKrats?


Armed security isn’t the only thing we need to do, we need to stop this narrative that police are racist and want to kill minorities because they are minorities and we need to lock up every single DemoKKKrat that perpetuated those lies and false narratives. That way the police won’t be afraid of being smeared and slandered by the fake libtard news and will be more likely to act.


I rest my case


I accept your concession.


You don’t defend politicians with guns, no politician has been shot at or defended with guns.

School kids are getting massacred with guns all the time though.

Needlessly employ thousands more people 9-5/5 days a week with thousands more guns?


Our politicians including the Defund the Police DemoKKKrats all have tax payer funded armed security. Why don’t they put their money where their mouth is and forfeit their security and instead send them over to protect our children??? Not only are Diaper Joe and the DemoKKKrats hypocrites they are also cowards.


You mean like in the UK and the rest of the developed world where their politicians don’t have guns and there is no problem whatsoever?

Sounds good why don’t you do it or are you scared of a threat that isn’t there?


Great, so maybe Diaper Joe should lead by example and send his secret service protection to elementary schools to protect our children.

Also you are comparing two different cultures its apples and oranges. The UK also doesn’t have a DemoKKKrat cult who is actively telling their mob to burn, murder, and loot.


This is what you can’t get through your head.

If there were no guns, there would be no need for protection at schools.

And there is no KKK telling people to burn murder and loot. That is a made up fantasy.


So then why doesn’t Diaper Joe lead by example and be the first to get rid of his tax payer funded security?

The DemoKKKrats told their mob all throughout Summer 2020 to burn down cities and kill cops, that is the root cause of gun violence. Not only that but they bailed out violent criminals and refused to prosecute them.

Also if passing gun control will get guns off the street and everyone follows the law I have a better idea, let’s just pass a law banning murder, oh wait……..


You are very immature calling him Diaper Joe.

He can have security without guns.

Show me evidence where the democrats ‘told their mob’ to burn down cities and kill cops.

I think you just took the Republicans back 20 years by that comment.

By the way, the root cause of gun violence is the fact that they are available.


Just being accurate

I’ll believe Diaper Joe is sincere when he forfeits his security force

Diaper Joe: The Police are the enemy
KKKamala: The riots are not going to stop nor should they stop
Pelosi: I don’t care about them, people do what they do (about the rioting)

The root cause of gun violence is that the DemoKKKrats are actively encouraging their cult followers to murder people and that they refuse to enforce the laws we already have. When your cult leaders decide that they are actually going to enforce the laws we already have then maybe I’ll take you seriously, until then you’re just talking out of your anus.


The root cause of gun violence is guns.

Ban them and get in line with the rest of the developed world.


The root cause is the DemoKKKrats refusing to enforce the law.

If banning things causes people not to do it then why are people still being murdered after we banned murder?


Because murder is a lot easier with guns.


But if banning something stops it then why has murder continued? You aren’t answering the question.


I already did at the beginning.


As I already stated the US and the UK are two different cultures, we have a DemoKKKrat cult that is actively telling their mob to murder people and are actively refusing to enforce the law.

When Diaper Joe along with the rest of the Defund the Police DemoKKKrats give up their tax payer funded security and start enforcing the law then maybe I’ll take you seriously (it’s still conditional)


They are not defunding the police.

You really are a Republican.

This is about banning guns but you are copy/pasting the same debunked arguments.


The police were defunded in many libtard cities and as a result crime went up and innocent people died.

I am not a Republican, the Republicans are corrupt as well but not as badly as the DemoKKKrats

As I said before Diaper Joe needs to put his big boy pants and and lead by example by giving up his Secret Service Protection. Until then no one should take the son of a bitch seriously.


Show me evidence.


Ran by a far left radical, when DemoKKKrats are in charge people die.


"And there were 3,561 shooting incidents in 2021,"

Thank you for proving my point. Ban the guns, stop the shooting.

That had nothing to do with ‘defunding the police’.


2021 was Chicagos deadliest year after DEFUNDING THE POLICE! It’s simple when DemoKKKrats are in charge, people die.


Show me evidence when police got defunded?

It’s simple.

Plus, ban the guns. End the murder weapons.


Lori Lightfoot defunded the police and as a result people were murdered. She has blood on her hands.



Seems like a legit source.

The only ones with blood on their hands are the people that still allow guns.


I’m sorry the facts don’t support your predetermined outcome.

And how exactly is me owning a gun that I will never use to hurt anyone unless its self defense mean I have blood on my hands?

The people with blood on their hands are Diaper Joe and KKKamala who refuse to support the law and refuse to give our children the necessary protection.


These are the facts. Get in line with the rest of the developed world.


You are deflecting, I asked how is me owning a gun that I will never use to hurt an innocent person putting blood on my hands?


How do you know you will never use it?

Why have it? It’s a deadly weapon in a house for no reason.

How does Joe Biden have blood on his hands when he wants to get rid? Talk about deflecting.


How do you know I will? You said that I have blood on my hands so that must mean you know I will use it.

Why have it? None of your business. Asking me why I need the gun is exactly the same as asking Rosa Parks why she needed to sit in the front of the bus.


You said Biden has blood on his hands, which was a lie.

So i was using that lie on you.


He does have blood on his hands, he has incited violence, demoralized the cops and he refuses to protect the children.


That’s when you just made up fairy tales.

Firstly show me where he had blood on his hands. Any picture.

Show me where he has incited violence.

Show me where the cops are demoralised due to him.

And it is you who refuses to protect the children by wanting the guns.


He called the police the enemy, he knows how unhinged his cult is so of course they are going to try to murder cops

It’s not my job to protect children, it’s Diaper Joe’s job, why doesn’t he stand by his principles and send his secret service protection to protect schools? The answer is because he’s a coward and a hypocrite.


So you can’t show that of course.

Can you link when he called them the enemy?

Have you been listening to Trump’s lies?



The last thing they need is the military, they become like the enemy.

Not that they are the enemy.


Except the police aren’t the enemy, but they do need all the support they need to protect cities from violent BLM insurrectionists.

Biden directly told BLM to kill cops with that quote


Costs nothing??? Are you really this fucking stupid??? Let's forget the legal aspect for one minute.

The most popular rifle in the US is the AR15. There are an estimated 20 million of them in circulation. Let's figure an average cost of $1000 to make it easy. That's $20billion worth of private property you're going to seize without any form of compensation? That's just one model of firearm. You're talking about seizing billions upon billions of dollars worth of private property. Do you really think this will happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave? No, it will not. The government would spend billions preparing for such a mass seizure and quickly run out of idiots like you to go home to home to collect them after the first few thousand are shot on site. You wanna know why? Because THAT is the reason for the 2nd Amendment. Anyone who fired upon a gov't official showing up at their home without cause, to seize their legally owned firearms, would be 100% legally justified in doing so.



Wow, you're seven shades of butthurt. You want some black salve for that???


I'm "sick and tired" of what the Dems are doing to this country.


And yet he glorifies criminals like George Floyd.


I didn’t see that.


I was about to mention just that. Funny how he glorified a career criminal/thug (a dead one) and glorified BLM violence. To be honest, I'm sick of Joe Biden and the cult that is the current democratic party. As for JBran, don't feed him (the troll).


MovieChatUser497 SAID:

"why doesn’t he stand by his principles and send his secret service protection to protect schools? The answer is because he’s a coward and a hypocrite."

Part of the reason Joe doesn't do anything (that would make perfect sense) is because he doesn't want to alienate the woke, lunatic base of his party. They've got him where they want him.


I think you're right.
