MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Get over the gas prices you fuckin cryba...

Get over the gas prices you fuckin crybabies

When I lived in Montana (a very republican state) in 2019, gas was $4.09 and not a single person complained about Trump. it was just "damn, these gas prices are high!" i guess we all had fucking amnesia or something. but of course, the "masculine" and the "alpha male" demographic are here flooding the world with their tears because gas pwices are too high! the same people who spent four years attacking and laughing at the lefties for being "sensitive" and "snowflakes" are now being the biggest snowflakes ever.

gas will continue to go up because you nitwits keep using it up. it'll be stuck like this for probably another year or so. as soon as it goes down a dollar or two, everyone will want to go on a fucking vacation and it'll start to soar again.

start walking. get a bicycle, or a motorcycle. sell your stupid all-black lifted truck that you don't even use to go offroad. get an electric car. the day of gasoline is coming to an end. be on the right side of history, please. oh, and go get some fucking tissues while you can, im sick of stepping in your puddles of tears.


not a single person complained about Trump.

That’s all I needed to read to know you are full of shit. Trump couldn’t sneeze without the world ripping him to shreds. I don’t give a crap about Trump, and don’t feel any need to defend him, but for you to say that he did ANYTHING and it WASN’T criticized is completely false.

The guy got destroyed for anything he did with the full force of the US mainstream media…the same media that will find any way to put a positive spin on and deflect this absolute madness under the Joe Biden regime.

And people can bitch about these ridiculous gas prices all they want, so suck a turd you progressive extremist nut job. People like you are the reason the country is in the toilet.


awww poor baby, your wittle president was getting buwwied?? im so sowwy. you sound really upset right now, did you get the tissues you needed? also, i specifically said nobody in montana blamed trump for gas prices. moron


It’s like you nutbags can’t hear me when I say I don’t give a shit about Donald Trump. You’re just too braindead to do anything other than go to your default “Trump sucks” insults, because you have absolutely nothing else to say. The guy has been out of office for 2 years now. Move on. It’s beyond pathetic.

Also, you talk trash like a kindergartner. You should be pretty embarrassed with the “awww poor baby/tissues” garbage, and learn to talk shit like somebody who isn’t 4 years old. I shouldn’t be surprised though, in your OP you seem to be ridiculing people for being masculine, which is strange.

And I’m sure there were plenty of people in Montana who blamed him for gas prices. Since when do you speak for everyone in Montana?


it's like you nutbags cant fucking read either. sorry i offended your president trump, who you clearly worship. i worship vermin supreme.

insult me a bit more, you'll hurt my feewings eventually.

have you ever heard of somebody being from montana? yeah, no. it's like meeting someone from wyoming; you don't.


it's like you nutbags

Now you’re going the 2 year old route and just repeating what someone else says to insult them. 🤣

Yeah, you’re not even close to worth another sentence.

Take care, and thanks for continuing to remind me of the mind numbing stupidity of a lot of people in our country.


your a crybabie


Well heck, in 2019 gas was a little less than $3 and I live in Illinois. I guess Montana must be run by bigger idiots than Illinois. Also the other poster is right. Trump was criticized for everything by the media. The guy gave $1million to a charity for hurricane victims and they didn't even mention it. They also took almost everything he said out of context.


i specifically said nobody in montana blamed trump for gas prices. yes, trump was lambasted in the leftwing media for nearly anything, just as biden gets lambasted in the rightwing media for nearly everything. my comment was about how i lived in montana for over a year and can not recall a single person blaming the $4 gas prices on trump.


You're so tough behind your keyboard


yeah and what are you gonna do about it? cry more?


There it is again. Man you're such a tough guy. I'm really intimidated right now.


yeah, i'd be shaking if i were you.


I know you can't see me right now, but I am shaking......... my middle finger 😂🖕


you don't even wanna know what i'm shaking right now...

...or maybe you do?


Ooh tell me lol


..get an electric car. the day of gasoline is coming to an end

I have a Tesla S LR that I bought because I freaking wanted one. As a retired engineer, the thought of driving a battery car was too much for me to resist. Plus, I could afford it. I love every thing about this car. It's lightning fast, it's quiet, I haven't been to a gas station or oil change place in three years, and the only maintenance its required is a cabin air filter, which I haven't bothered with. I'll need tires soon..

But the problem with EVs is that they're expensive, right now they're complicated (that will change), not everyone has a garage they can park in and charge, and the electrical infrastructure is fragmented in capability.

Asking someone to just go buy an EV is being ridiculous right now. EVs will replace ICE cars in about 20 years, but trying to force people to adapt by killing the gas industry with mandates with no real replacement solution ready to go is shortsighted and, frankly, stupid. I love my Tesla, but it's NOT a solution to replace gas cars. Not now, not yet.

My home uses oil heat (oil, propane, or electric the only options). All three are expensive and while I used to fill my oil tank for $400 twice a season, it will now cost $1200 per tank, or $2400 per year. Fortunately, that kind of money won't affect my lifestyle, but Biden's energy "plan" is going to hurt people badly. Add to that the cost of gas and food, and a LOT of people are going to be in a world of hurt.

Have money in a 401? Expect it to tank by next spring when a full blown recession is raging.


Thank you for your well thought out response even if an EV would not be a consideration for me. I think the chit will hit the fan by fall versus next year. Baby boomers if not already soon will be net drawers of their investments leaving no place to go but down for the markets. The market is not sustainable in the 30K plus range when most of the contributors today are making far less than someone whose career happened before today.


I don't disagree. I think the ramp up will begin in earnest in the fall yes, but I think by late winter there will be a lot of misery in this country.

Look, everyone agrees that in the 21st century, burning fossil fuels at the rate we are is ridiculous. But trying to foment change by pulling out the rug without knowing what's beneath it is where I diverge from the left's plan. If the left wanted to spend tax money to advance alternative energy sources like Trump did with the covid research, I think many if not most conservatives would not be against it, but throwing out the firewood with nothing else to burn in the fireplace doesn't help anyone.

Sorry if I digressed a bit.


Having a Tesla in Montana is like having a space station at the bottom of the ocean..useless.


If you don't have a home with a garage, then a Tesla is not for you.


Doesn't matter if you have a home with a garage or not in Montana, once you leave Billings you're hosed as there's nowhere else to charge your Tesla.


According to an EV charging map, there are dozens of charging stations across Montana (a Tesla can charge at any generic charger in addition to Tesla Superchargers). Of course, charging stations will expand with EV sales. Most shopping centers will add them soon if they already haven't, and of course, you can charge anywhere there's a standard AC outlet although a 120V/15A outlet will take a long time to charge. The place where my son works installed charging ports and offers free charging for employees (for now), but they are a Ford supplier.


"EVs will replace ICE cars in about 20 years"

I seriously doubt it. Maybe, just maybe in the largest cities. There are people who've never owned a new car in their lives. Does the person that goes from one $2000 beater to another get a free EV?

There's also no way the power grid could support it in 20yrs. Let's look at two facets to keep it simple. Copper. How much copper has to be mined to not only provide the electronics and wiring for these over-complicated monstrosities but also to upgrade homes and the power grid? What's the foot print for that? More power means more power plants. Right now most power plants burn fossil fuels.

What happens to the equity you have in your existing vehicle? If you trade your gas/diesel for an electric, someone else is going to buy it, right? What about recycling all those old vehicles?

What about the mining of all those rare earth metals to make the batteries for millions upon millions of EV's? Not to mention eventually recycling them.

The US could spend trillions getting on the EV bandwagon, whole hog. We are not the world's biggest polluter. How long before China and India go electric? 100yrs? Ever?

These are the things I think about when people wax poetic about EV's. As if it can happen with just a little effort and expense. No, it's huge to the point of being unimaginable. Also unimaginably expensive. Yeah, we need to do something but we have been doing something. Something like the green new deal is going to send us back to the dark ages.


A far better prospect for widespread zero-emissions vehicles, I think, would be liquid hydrogen-fueled cars. The exhaust is water vapor, and it's easy to design an engine to burn hydrogen as fuel. The chief hangup is the cost of electrolyzing hydrogen from water, because it takes more energy to do that than what you get from burning the hydrogen resulting from the process. Of course, that issue would be tolerable perhaps, if we generated the electricity from nuclear power.

But the gaia-worshipping econazis aren't truly series about effectively combating climate change, and doing the things that are economically feasible, and necessary to maintain our civilization. They're just anti-technology luddites who oppose anything that's not wind and solar.


$4.09 in 2019? What county was this?


montana is not a country, lol


I clearly said county, not country....

I'm just curious what area of Montana was charging $4.09 in 2019.


nice edit, i know your secret ;)

this was in glacier county, if it matters that much. prices were in the $2.70-2.80 range for much of 2018 but they spiked hard by a full dollar in march, i believe, but crept to the mid $3's until the covid crash brought it down to maybe $1.60. i had a company car and it could cost me $100 to fill up.


Edit?? Dude, obviously Montana is in the US lol...You probably just misread my comment. Happens to all of us.

Past gas price data is available on the web, so it's clear you were embellishing your original comment. Prices didn't jump in Montana until well after 2020.


tell you what, you get over your 'diversity' and gender whinging's why don't you; forget about your saint, George Floyd too.


gas prices = george floyd? damn, keep trying.


