MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Why do white people try to act black?

Why do white people try to act black?

Why do you have to “fist bump” like a jerkoff? What happened to the MEN in this country????


They think it will spare them when the revolution arrives.

My guess? It won't.


While I never act black, I do find plenty to appreciate in black culture from the pre-1990s era. I love Hendrix and the old Bluesmen and '70s Funk. A lot of Black foods are tasty. I draw the line at modern Hip-Hop and Rap. Modern Black "Urban" culture is pure poison as we can see from the state of many Black communities. Glamorizing and promoting aggression, crime and violence, degrading women... That whole Gangsta scene is probably the most destructive cultural trend ever. I avoid all aspects of it from music to clothing to slang.
