MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Blaming Biden for Inflation?

Blaming Biden for Inflation?

Any time the minimum wage is raised substantially inflation rises substantially. The process of raising the minimum wage happened before Biden became president.


How about the baby formula shortage? The $5+/gallon gasoline? Making us look like jerkoffs in front of foreign leaders? The flooding of illegals over the border? Not firing Fauci and ridding the US of Covid as promised?....

When exactly are we allowed to blame Biden in your opinion?


"Making us look like jerkoffs in front of foreign leaders"

yes, that was Dementia Donnie's specialty.


You forgot the biggest part.


"When exactly are we allowed to blame Biden in your opinion?"

we cant, you cant blame dems, liberals or Joe for anything. As we all know everything is Trumps fault.


I’ve noticed that.


Fiat currencies depend on trust in them. This trust is lost. That's all.
Not sure about the minimum wage. Isn't its raising a reaction to inflation?


Biden raised minimum wage. It didn't happen before he became president.

He is president. When a person is president of a country the economic condition of said country is their responsibility, and the blame, of a poor economy falls on them. It is not the fault of other countries, industry, wars, or what have you. It is the fault of the person in charge, and it is their responsibility to fix it.

It's like being president of a business. If a business fails, it is the fault of the person in charge. It's not the fault of every other business, and everyone else. It is the fault the person in charge.

Learn to take responsibility for your responsibilities.

Or is all of that too hard for you to grasp?


well said...


is this clown dying?




You're a fucking fool. Keep up the Kool-aid.
