MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Takes out Ayman al-Zawahiri via a drone

Takes out Ayman al-Zawahiri via a drone

Well done Mr. President


Brandon didn't do anything. It wasn't even a challenge (if it happened). The guy was old. Plus, they have hundreds of others waiting to take his place. So Biden nor you and the rest of his cultists have nothing to celebrate.


Aw, poor lil Tab--shedding tears for Ayman al-Zawahiri
And at least President Biden does not want to invite terrorists to Camp David like Dementia Donnie wanted to do.


You LIVE to call everyone who didn't vote for that uber-nutso-creep rump as being part of a Cult.

Anyone who DIDN'T vote against rump should be deported immediately. (sarcasm)
This isn't a matter of Freedom of Thought and Speech, this is a direct attack on the fundamentals of a functioning society.

Nothing is Real. If Biden's poll numbers are good -- it's the MSM lying !
If his poll numbers are bad -- proof he's a shitty prez !

Eff you bastards. All you want to do is take down what's Good about America. Real Freedom, free from fear of Guns, free of fear from Hate, free to Love as One Chooses.


Great, one less terrorist! Why wasn't this done YEARS AGO? I don't thank this asshole! He's only trying to masque his disastrous "presidency".


At least he does not want to invite terrorists to Camp David.


He probably should have actually done it and had it filmed.
Point is that "he" did not do it.


he ordered it.


I love these leftist, human centipedes. Eat up, kiddies.


I doubt this gets done with sissy boy Trump as President.


Thank God for President Biden.


Trump took out an entire taliban stronghold with a moab.


i don't remember that.


Well just do a web search.
