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Exit polls shows Joe Biden will win by a landslide in 2024

I just hopes he keeps giving away more money to Ukraine.


Of course. The only way out if this war is to give Ukraine trillions and then pay for all the rebuilding.


The rebuilding goes without saying! Om very happy to spend big to rebuild. Imagine how many Ukrainian jobs I will provide for. 75% tax rate for 10 years here in America. If you make 100 buck per hour you are left with 25 in hard cash.


Russian troops have raped and tortured children in Ukraine, carried out a large number of executions, committed other war crimes, obliterated Ukraine's historic and cultural sites and civic institutions, thanks to Trump refusing to boost Ukraine, boosting and emboldening Putin, attacking and dividing NATO, blackmailing the Ukrainian government (leading to impeachment), and gutting and destabilizing America's democracy and geopolitical standing so bad that Putin felt comfortable launching the invasion, believing the US would never intervene because the US was complete chaos and crashing. And of course, as always, Democrats are cleaning up the mess.


All that rubbish will be talked about for a long time.


Joe Biden will win cuz he wants war! America wants war. America wants to invade. War is good business for the guys Biden represents. Trump is anti war. He wants to spend the cash at home. That is why all the pushback.


Joe Biden is locked in some sort of demented fury , war mongering, and he can't give away our money fast enough!


Sounds good to me.


Nah bro


Freedom from all that tRump Malarkey!
