MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden BLOCKED Ukraine Peace Deal

Biden BLOCKED Ukraine Peace Deal


Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made waves recently when he told an interviewer he had personally visited Russia during the early stages of the Ukraine War to negotiate with Putin. An agreement to end the war with major concessions on both sides was in the offing, Bennett said, but then NATO powers, especially the Biden administration in the United States, put an end to the negotiations, prolonging the war indefinitely.


How did they put an end to the negotiations? If Ucraine and RU really wanted nothing could have stopped an agreement that was ready …


I don't follow click bait videos, but I wonder, what exactly constituted this "peace deal" that Biden supposedly blocked? Did it include Russia keeping Ukrainian territory? My guess is yes.

You want the war to end? Then convince Putin to end the Russian infestation of a sovereign nation and take his third-world POS "army" the hell out of Ukraine. Putin could end this tomorrow as easily as he could have prevented it in the first place.

Blaming Biden over this war continuing is insanity. If you want to make the case that Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump was president, then that's a different story.


"...what exactly constituted this "peace deal" that Biden supposedly blocked?"

It would have kept Uke. from joining NATO and had Uke. stop their killing of the Russian separatists/civilians of the Donbas region where they were breaking the Minsk agreement by doing so.

"Blaming Biden over this war continuing is insanity."

Not at all.
This goes back to 2014, during the Obama/Biden admin. when there was a CIA backed coup to get rid of the Uke. democratically elected president just because he was starting to alley with Putin.
We want Uke. so we can keep on breaking our promise not to move NATO closer to Russia.
So we put in the puppet Zelinsky, a TV star with zero political experience, (Why does that seem so familiar?) because he will do what we want.
(Funny how Dems trust and back him but not Trump.)

Instead of trying to negotiate a peace deal, Biden instead is sending them all these weapons to prolong the war which will mean more and more killings of civilians.

Even if Uke. somehow manages to "win" the war by driving the Russian troops back, which may take years, it will make a country that is already a corrupt and unstable shi*t hole into a bigger one leaving much death and destruction in it's wake.
Would it really be worth it?
It would be better to end it ASAP with a peace treaty.


And Russia isn't a shithole? I don't see how allowing one shithole to take over another is in anyone's best interest. Russia has nukes and Ukraine doesn't. Urkraine threatens no one. They are happy and peaceful. We need more countries like Ukraine and less like Russia.

Besides, it isn't our job to make Ukraine less of a shithole even if we accept it is. The Ukrainians love Zelinsky even if he is a "puppet" president and the fact that the Ukrainians are fighting for their country and president as well as they are proves that. Russian soldiers on the other hand are performing poorly - which tells me they don't believe the are protecting the homeland.

The fact is that Ukraine doesn't want any part of being a puppet state of Putin, and who can blame them. A "peace deal" I suspect means letting Putin have part of a country that rewards him for his aggression. Sounds a bit like Poland under Hitler, no?


Today's American right-wing would have allowed a "peace deal" just allow Hitler to keep France.


Nice try, vatnik, LOL.


Gotta keep it going so the bankrupt Democrat party can launder more money.

Oh look, the pantshitter is there again. Shocker.

Meanwhile Ohio is a nuclear wasteland. And the Dow drops another 700pts due to endless record inflation created by the Democrat administration.
