MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > A new aid package for Israel and Ukraine...

A new aid package for Israel and Ukraine worth more than $2 billion.

The White House is preparing a joint military aid package for Israel and Ukraine worth more than $2 billion.

The US administration plans to request funds from Congress to supply arms to Israel and Ukraine, Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

“The amount being asked will be significantly higher than that ,” he responded to a question from a CBS journalist, who suggested that the amount being sought would be around $2 billion.


Truly Insane ! This is my tax dollars hes giving away.


As I said before, Israel will go to war, eventually with Iran, and American tax payers will foot the bill. Zionism!


At the cost of $2 trillion and 100.000 American lives!


$2 billion too much. AIPAC gives tens of millions to our so-called "representatives" every year so they can get those people to give Israel billions a year. Now, they want more? Forget that! Protect our OWN nation. Arm our Southern Border. Israel gets to, we should get to also.


Joe Biden is expected to submit a Ukraine and Israel funding package request to Congress.

According to NBC News sources, Biden is seeking $100 Billion. $60 Billion would go to Ukraine & $40 Billion would go to Israel.

For those keeping track, the U.S. has dished out over $75 Billion in military and financial aid to Ukraine.

Biden doesn't seem to have a problem with spending US taxpayer money as he bragged about war spending during an interview on 60 Minutes.

During the interview, Biden was asked if the US was in a position to fund multiple wars.

"We're the United States of America for God's sake," he said with a grin.


During the interview, Biden was asked if the US was in a position to fund multiple wars.

"We're the United States of America for God's sake," he said with a grin."

Yeah, what the hell?? Just warm up the printing press and just print out more $$$$$.. No big deal.. Here.. This from Classic SNL back in the day with Dan Ackroyd talking about inflation and how true he is about that and the Democrats..


He's a piggy bank to everyone except American citizens..


It got changed to $100 billion.


For decades the USA has developed weapons and systems to be used against the Soviet Union. Now we are finally putting them to good use; the use they were intended for.

Biden is doing this. Trump would be more likely to join Russia and use those weapons against Ukraine.
