MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden wants to build a railroad through...

Biden wants to build a railroad through the Middle East.

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Biden will cut a check for $50 trillion next.


I hope this is a priority for America going forward. It would be a great legacy for him to leave behind.
The Joe Biden Middle East Silk Rail Road.
I think US tax payers would agree.


Sometimes I think these are fake, but he really said he wants to build a rail road pipe line across the Mediterranean.

Could you imagine being the person doing the subtitles for this? lol


Democrats callings for border walls…in Israel.

Democrats calling for pipelines…in the Middle East.

Democrats want to protect the flag…of every county but the US.

Biden is a senile pantshitter…and everyone knows it.


If this is his platform he will win in 2024, easy!


He said we were going to build a railroad across the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean. Compared to that, building a railroad through the Middle East should be easy.
