
In the last season of Star Trek, I started noticing her mouth twitching, and her making odd facial expressions.

Then, in the final episode, after Archer hugs her, she's left standing there, and she's wavering all over the place - at one point I thought she might fall.

Does anyone know if she has something? Some kind of neurological disorder that causes this? Or am I just hallucinating?


isnt she just holding back her vulcan emotions?




Me? or her? :)

Seriously, I went back and watched a number of episodes. She has a number of (what look like) involuntary facial movements. But I can't find anything about it. She has partied hard, so it could be after effects (look at Ozzie) - but she's too young for that, I think.


She may have taken illegal narcotics since she was a teenager.


She has stated in some interviews that she had done some drugs, but hasn't to my knowledge stated what she's done or if she's still doing it.
And age has little to do with the effect drugs may have you on, it's how much you take over whatever period.
You could do a very heavy amount of the really hard stuff in two years and be wrecked in the same way Ozzie is now.

It's more likely however that since T'pol does now have some emotional problems of her own which she is unable to control, that THAT is what we are seeing in her performance.


Maybe Jolene Blalock's drug taking was taking it's toll and was showing up on the show, so the writers dreamed up the drug taking sub-plot for her T'Pol character, since Jolene was taking drugs in *real* life!


Ah...what? I had to read that like 3 times.

Anyway I never noticed it (and I watch T'Pol VERY carefully, lol) but if there IS something there it's no doubt just their way of making her emotional state more evident. A vulcan can't scream at someone or it'd be 100% out of character, so to make a Vulcan look 'emotional' you have to just give them a facial wince or something.


Yeah, I'm talking total rubbish again, ignore me.

Anyway, Jolene Blalock is not too bad, I haven't really paid attention to notice her do that kind of thing, with the facial twitching.
