Her facebook page

Anyone know what happened to it? I was friends with her on her facebook page for quite a while. It really was her page and she enjoyed interacting with us fans as much as we enjoyed interacting with her. I even won a contest she ran on the site.

One day she sent out a notice that she was being harassed by someone she had friended with emails whose contents she would not detail except that they were offensive. She then said that her husband would monitor the site.

She unfriended that guy and then posted that he actually asked to be friends again by sending another offensive message. She tried staying active with us but not long after said that she was turning the site over to an assistant to handle and interact on her behalf.

I have not spent much time on facebook and just noticed that she is gone from my friend list, her page is gone, and her posts to my wall and my posts to her wall are all gone from my history. Anyone know why they disappeared? More importantly, does anyone know what happened to her site?


I wouldn't mistake but I have a light suspect she closed her site and maybe her husband could have hired an hacker and wiped out all the posts.


Why didn't she just put the person on her "blocked list" or just create a fan page? There were other options besides removing her facebook page and hiring a hacker to remove all her wall history.

Anyway, I just finished watching the first season of ENTERPRISE and thought she channelled Leonard Nimoy's interpretation of the Vulcan race well. Her performance was one of the highlights of the series. Her beauty also kept my attention.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


filmbuff1974, when you'll see her strong dramatic performance in episode Impulse at the beginning of third season, you could almost think she's another actress, but Jolene is!

I think about hacker, because all vanished. But I could be wrong.


"filmbuff1974, when you'll see her strong dramatic performance in episode Impulse at the beginning of third season, you could almost think she's another actress, but Jolene is! "--giulene

Just caught the episode "Impulse". It was a powerful episode and Jolene Blalock's performance as Sub-Commander T'Pol was great. As I've said before, she has channeled the "Vulcan Persona" established in the ORIGINAL SERIES well, something that none of the other Star Trek franchise spin-offs managed to do (IMHO).

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


^ IMO to play the character T'Pol it wouldn't be necessary a true actress (beside the performance in Impulse and few others) a common person could work well. filmbuff1974 what do you think about?


No, I think Jolene Blalock accomplished something few other actors/actresses accomplished when playing a Vulcan.

In THE NEXT GENERATION anyone who played a Vulcan just didn't sell it. (Ironically, the the actors playing the Romulans were pretty effective.)

In VOYAGER, Tim Russ did not channel Leonard Nimoy well. For example, when Tuvok started to say something scientific it wouldn't come across right. I tend to be sensitive to the spoken word so I might have been unfair.

In the ORIGINAL SERIES, Leonard Nimoy seemed to have created the Vulcan Persona and whenever other Vulcans appeared in episodes, the performers seemed to follow his lead. So this is sort of the template I use when watching any Star Trek.

It's just my opinion, but I think it took great skill to basically play a feminine counter part to Leonard Nimoy's Vulcan persona.

So the answer is, Jolene Blalock pulled it off well. I also think the writers did a great job (so far, I'm in the beginning of season three) writing her T'Pol's lines.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


^ Yes, I agree with you. About Tuvok, honestly, didn't like the character, beside He was a minor role, he seemed too "woodden". It's odd, some Trek fans criticised the way T'pol has been depicted,however T'pol has been a very successful character, it's true she's a beautiful woman, but obviously to play a feminine counterpart of Leonard Nimoy's Vulcan persona you must change something, not always what goes well to a man goes well to a woman too.


^ I add I liked much Enterprise set 100 year before TOS, even to avoid to repeat the same episodes, after hundreds episodes that could happen, best CGI, very good episodes, a talented cast. Many trekkies disliked it because it was out Star Trek canon: honestly I never ever understood what they would have seen, but if ENT is a prequel can't be exactly like TOS etc.
I liked it just was different: a breath of fresh air.
