'10 Items or Less'

I just saw her in "10 Items or Less". I was fun to watch, especially since I just saw the Enterprise series finale on HDNet a few days ago. She's bulked up her upper arms since then :-). I saw a flash of T'Pol when she said "Seriously, I'll break you". I really enjoyed it. There aren't too many actors that can really do self-parody well.


How I envy you! I can’t watch it in Japan.
Jolene is my best favorite actress.


I just saw that episode too - I have no idea where "10 Items or Less" may
have been broadcast originally , but the 3 seasons are now on hulu.com -
I never even heard of the show before I found it there.
anyway - it was fun seeing Jolene on the show .
it's season 3 , i think it was episode 3 ? " star trok"
