MovieChat Forums > Jolene Blalock Discussion > Jolene for Catwoman!

Jolene for Catwoman!

Chris Nolan has not indicated he even wants Catwoman in Batman 3 but I think Bruce needs to experience some sexual attraction after Rachel Dawes. The obvious choice is Angelina Jolie and WB wants a safe bet so they'll probably offer her the moon if Selina Kyle is in B3. Although, I'm a fan of Angelina, I think casting her would be been there, done that-she doesn't need the role.

Jolene Blalock would be a GREAT choice- check out Jim Lee's Batman HUSH graphic novel and I swear Catwoman is a dead ringer for Jolene- the cheekbones, the lips, the slim/shapely body type. Catwoman is Batman's equal and she plays mindgames with him so they shouldn't cast a young girl like other favorite Megan Fox. Jolene, like Angelina, is 33 years old and has the necessary gravitas to pull it off- she would sizzle on screen with Christian Bale.

If Catwoman is confirmed for Bat 3, Jolene should make a short film audition of herself as Catwoman- the costume, dialogue, etc., spends some bucks to make it look good and have her agent send it to Nolan. Val Kilmer made a music video of himself as Jim Morrison for Oliver Stone's Doors biopic, Elijah Woods made a video dressed as Frodo for LOTR, Tobey Maguire worked out and shot a fight scene for Spiderman and Jack Earle Haley dressed as Rorshach for Watchman- worked for all of them! It would be a gamble for her but fortune favors the bold! BUT if Angelina becomes interested in the role then sadly for Jolene fans, it would a moot point.


I am a big fan of Jolene but as catwoman I should see more Angiolina than Jolene: Angiolina is tall instead Jolene is a bit short.


If you check this site-which is pretty accurate- Angelina is 5'8" and Jolene is 5'6". Two inches apart makes no difference on the big screen. I got my picture taken with Jolene in her first Convention appearance in Pasadena back in '05 and she is tiny but has presence

I've read actors PR add a few inches to the male actors; Tom Cruise is barely 5'6" and I've seen him listed as 5'10"; actresses height is not a factor. Christian Bale is 6'1".


jcreed01, i'm curious, you saw Jolene, is she 5'6'' or less? I noticed in some pictures she wears superhigh-heeled shoes and that let me think she's very very short.


Jolene is 5'6" or very close; I'm 5'9" and don't remember what kind of shoes she was wearing but I was taller but didn't tower over her like Connor 5'6" is about right.


I was thinking about Jolene as Catwoman and I am doubtful:Jolene became famous playing T'pol ( a pointed-ears alien with no emotions=blank character=blank acting in a SciFi production) and a know how actors and actresses of SciFi productions are regarded by most of Hollywood producers and directors, moreover Jolene after Enterprise did some movie, all as leading role (that is what she wanna do the lead-role, I writing and watching Shadow Puppets: there are moments in the movie where Jolene has a great dramatic acting, she is really a great actress!) but all B productions.
Said this, I dont know how much producers regard at Jolene, she stated the auditions went at the best (but no jobs!) or they can take a new actress (less money) or an actress like A.Jolie and so on...
Moreover I see on the boards Jolene has no many fans, above all for playing T'pol (I feel Jolene doesnt like T'pol too much... she would prefer a different role and no SciFi, during Enterprise never went to the Conventions only after) and playing Tpol has little to boast about: acting ability is the dramatic and not the blank characters... and I am a big fan of Jolene.


I've been looking at rumours about the next Batman and my heart sank when Angelina was hinted at for Catwoman. I have nothing against her, but after Tomb Raider and Wanted (which is based on a comic), it would be nice to see someone else fill the comic-action-heroine boots. I think Jolene is an inspired choice, credit to the OP for thinking of her. She had a cat-like quality to her movement as T'Pol, when the role called for it. Sort of a graceful strength which is purrfect for Catwoman (sorry, I couldn't help myself). I hope the casting people read this and take note.
