MovieChat Forums > Emily Browning Discussion > Why is she in so many bad movies?

Why is she in so many bad movies?

The only good thing I've seen her in is A Series of Unfortunate Events.


Well, let's see...maybe it's because she's completely bland & colorless (emotionally & especially physically), has the body of a 10 year old boy, is bowlegged and can't act her way out of paper bag. Just MHO.

I wouldn't walk around the block to watch her "acting" if I had a free ticket and was paid for my time.

"Sing until your throat hurts, dance until your legs hurt, act until you're William Hurt."


Yeah its a shame, I loved her in that movie. I have enjoyed seeing her naked though. Yeah I am sad.


She hasn't been in any SUCCESSFUL movies since "Lemony Snicket", but I don't think her movies are any worse than any other actress. "Sleeping Beauty" is flawed but intereting. "The Uninivited" is pretty OK. "Plush" is actually good for a Catherine Hardwicke movie. "Sucker Punch" has its fans (although I'm not really one of them). And then there's "Summer in February" which is good if like really literary movies--OR if you really like to see Browning naked. I don't think you should confuse "unsuccessful" and "bad" though. Cult actresses, like Browning, are always more INTERESTING than popular actresses because--face it--most movie-goers are idiots.

It's also funny that Jennifer Lawrence is "fat" because she sometimes retains two lbs. of water weight, but Emily Browning looks like "a ten-year-old boy" just because she hasn't bothered to get fake breasts like everyone else. It's ridiculous how critical people are these days about female beauty. Women are in serious danger of getting to the point where NO woman will be beautiful to them. But men fortunately have an unerring divining rod in our pants that we can always rely on. . .


Because Emily Browning can't act, her acting was weak in Pompeii and Sucker Punch, but Lemony Snicket it really Liam Aiken and the baby (twins) really did better acting than her.


has the body of a 10 year old boy

You cant be serious...


Sucker Punch sits amongst the most unique films of all time; alongside films like Sin City and Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Sucker Punch has so much depth and psychological levels to got nothing but 4 star and 5 star reviews but most average people didn't get it...which was why it wasn't so successful...WHY! because most people are simpletons...if you are offended by this well u may have to deal with it. Sucker Punch was about depth and psychological trauma...and if u couldn't catch onto that quickly then obviously u were going to walk out the cinema saying "I don't get it...but the chicks were hot". scoot pilgrim is unique for the whole comic graphics....sin city for doing everything in only three colours (black white n red) and Sucker Punch fo how the whoel story is told within an aternate reality and people actually have to use their imaginations whiel watching it as much as their eyes.


OT: Do you really put Scott Pilgrim in the same league of Sin City and Sucker Punch?


Are you really 9 years old, or just your mindstate?

Not a fan of her as an actress, but seems to me you are jealous lol
