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George W. Bush traitor to America and Americans

Medicare Advantage is a Trojan Horse to Privatize Medicare

The simple solution to the Medicare Advantage problem is to kill off the program. It was just a Trojan horse to privatize Medicare.

Thom Hartmann has written and lectured extensively about American Health Care and has just come out with a new book ...

The Hidden History of American Healthcare: Why Sickness Bankrupts You and Makes Others Insanely Rich (The Thom Hartmann Hidden History Series)

An amazing read. Sickening to see how much we've been ripped off and screwed, but better to have your eyes opened.


Maybe if fatties like you took care of yourselves you wouldnt continue to go to the hospital making people rich. Stay off the fucking PIZZA, Fried Food, ICE CREAM, ALCOHOL, CANDY, CAKE, SODA POP, SUGAR, SMOKING ETC.... fucking exercise and eat more fruit and vegetables. This country is full of lazy ass, self entitled, narcissistic people....take care of your fucking body and it will take care of you for the long term....

As for George W. Bush. Screw you. He was a great president.




Haha....well its true 70% plus of sickness is caused by how one takes care of themselves. Sure we get older and cannot prevent everything. But generally people at the age of 50 having heart attacks is not normal. My father almost had a heart attack at 45. He had a lot of blockage at that age. He had a triple bypass. After that he stopped eating BEFF,PORK,FRIED FOOD, SUGAR etc. He is still alive at 86. Yes he is not in perfect health at 86. No one is. He Just had a knee replaced and a few trips to the hospital the last ten years but he is doing well for 86. He would have died long ago if he continued his pre bypass diet.

I always tell people the best health care is to take care of yourself. No one is gonna do it for you.




Bush brought more muslims after 9/11 then before.


Do you have a problem with muslims???


I do. Can't trust 'em. Wear dirty little hats. Put their women in big black sacks. Throw rocks at people and cut heads off. Blow people up.


Bush was terrible. He has only gotten worse.


Hahaha. He is basically retired from politics.... go read a book man.....


You didn't hear his speech on Sunday? Liberals loved it! Go watch it, man.


a sellout, what else is new


You need to be put in a mental hospital.


Go back to bitching about Britany you freak. Shes getting married. I'm sure you can fabricate something about that on her board. Let the big boys talk politics.😂


I'm curious, are you not aware that your nuts or do you simply not care?


Unlike your crazy ass....I see both sides of an argument and I'm of neither party. Which makes my.opinion more valid than yours. Because I see the bullshit from both parties. This extends into subjects like Britany. You always assume the worse or believe the worst. In short you like to believe bullshit...


Who said anything about about parties? I'm talking about your Tourette's way of speaking to people. You just scream at and insult people. You don't know how to speak like an adult.


No one did. But this is a political discussion and I am using party loyalty as an example of how crazy you are a loyal conspiracy theorist who will believe any crazy shit feed to him...


"you are a loyal conspiracy theorist who will believe any crazy shit feed to him..."

Show me that post. Quote me.


Just go look at all your ramblings about Britany. You dont even know the woman and you are saying shes insane just because the media continues to talk about her conservativeship. That's all the proof anyone needs.


What does Britney Spears have to do with George Bush or politics?


Everything. You believe any shit fed to you. Instead of looking logically at the situation. This is how all hardcore dems and Republicans are....


What do I believe?


I only know what you believe
that which has been posted here. Other than that I have no idea but I do know how rational you are based on your postings...😂


Your words:

"But this is a political discussion and I am using party loyalty as an example of how crazy you are a loyal conspiracy theorist who will believe any crazy shit feed to him..."

I asked you to prove this. Your response? "You're Britney Spears posts." You are mentally handicapped, you know that, right?


I already said I know you are at least loyal to one party. I know this, you do not have to say it. You are either a far left or right looney tunes. I base this on the stupid shit you post. That's all the proof anyone are a judgemental prick...


Jail the Bush crime family.




"I already said I know you are at least loyal to one party"

Am I now? Which party is it?

"you are a judgemental prick"


"Maybe if fatties like you took care of yourselves you wouldnt continue to go to the hospital making people rich. Stay off the fucking PIZZA, Fried Food, ICE CREAM, ALCOHOL, CANDY, CAKE, SODA POP, SUGAR, SMOKING ETC.... fucking exercise and eat more fruit and vegetables. This country is full of lazy ass, self entitled, narcissistic people....take care of your fucking body and it will take care of you for the long term...."


Your point???
