MovieChat Forums > George W. Bush Discussion > I sit on the fence with him

I sit on the fence with him

Good things about him:

* Wasn't a ''Neoliberal'' like Reagan or Thatcher
* Didn't take an extreme abortion stance Like Trump. Fairly moderate on that issue.
* Centrist policies towards immigration. I don't recall him demonizing immigrants. Even after 9/11 he didn't directly bash Islam. I don't believe George was a very racist man despite what his critics say.
* He saw bio-terrorism as a threat. He was wary of the fact that another country could weaponize a virus to kill Americans. Oh just look at the future.

Bad things:

* The Iraq war that lead to the deaths of thousands
*the Stem Cell research debacle. It's odd that he was borderline centrist towards abortion but he vetoed Stem Cell's on the other hand.
* poor fiscal management leader to the subprime mortgage issue.

I don't know what to say. He had his negative and positive points
