MovieChat Forums > George W. Bush Discussion > He must be getting worried now

He must be getting worried now

75 years old.

Soon to meet his maker.

We all make mistakes in life, but sending your own to go off and kill, in this case, literally hundreds of thousands as a result of the war, must sit on his conscious. Plus all the soldiers who never made it home.

I know it's the leaders job to make the call about war, but it was a shakey decision from the start.


Obama continued the war for 8 years and then dementia Joe bungled it after 20 years. the afghans refused to defend their homeland and hence it was recaptured by the taliban in 7 days.

dementia Joe refused to follow Trumps plan for an evacuation.


That post was about Bush. Buzz off with your butthurt pro-Trump rantings.


he would be a democrat boogeyman either way, if he didnt send any troops and something worse happened than 9/11, he would be blamed for it.

would be liking blaming FDR for letting Japan attack us and getting us into WWII.


Pretty sure he's talking about Iraq, not Afghanistan. We had good reason to go into Afghanistan, but our reason for going into Iraq turned out to be false.


I know, but we also invaded Afghanistan too. but hindsight is 20/20. what if we didnt invade Iraq and Saddam did have chemical weapons? people also would have blamed Bush and the narrative would have changed to that we should have invaded Iraq. The invasion or no invasion was a no win situation, kind of like Schrodinger's cat.

the World, UN and NATO are also doing nothing to stop Putin from killing innocent civilians. 15 to 20 years from now, people will say that we should have done something. but for now, the World Leaders seem content at the killings and destruction of sovereign Country.


Yeah because they gave Al Qaeda a safe haven. I completely supported the initial invasion, but think we stayed far too long.

About Iraq, we can't invade a country on the grounds of "what if." In this case, out bad intelligence has led to civilian deaths numbers in the hundreds of thousands.


we def stayed way too long and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan really didnt want democracy. they had no concept of what it was. Afghanistan is back to what it was before the war and worse now, Iraq has faired a little better but its still not that great. you have 3 groups of muslims that all despise each other, so that region will always have conflicts.

was it bad intelligence or where they erroring on the side of caution? if saddam had chemical weapons then Bush would be a hero but unfortunately he will always be labeled a zero. Schrodinger's cat


My money is on bad intelligence. No one invades a country on a maybe.


He probably anticipates the benefit of the doubt what with having to make judgment calls after people were flying U.S. airliners into buildings and stuff.


Democrats and republicans voted for it. Sorry to burst your fantasy.


Bush is a psychopath so he has no fear of death and most psychopath people know that there is no afterlife.
