MovieChat Forums > Steve Carell Discussion > why'd he leave the office?

why'd he leave the office?

Going back and re watching all the episodes and I hate the latter seasons when he's gone. Will Ferrell was terrible and that British chick was god awful and although Andy was cool that whole season sucked but like 2 episodes. Had Carrell stayed on maybe the office would still be on the air?


First off, if the show was still on it would be 10 years and going. Hardly any show ever goes that long. But Steve Carell left because his film career had taken off big time and his contract expired, so he wanted to go on to bigger things.


Probably the best decision he ever made. If he didn't leave, he would've never gone on to be nominated for an Oscar.


The show was already starting to go downhill. His departure just guaranteed that. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but heavy reliance on Jim/Pam, Andy/Erin, etc romantic relationships was enough evidence for me that ideas had run out.


The second half of season eight and most of season nine were better than seasons 5 through 7, easily.
