MovieChat Forums > Jimmy Carter Discussion > Every film Carter watched as President

Every film Carter watched as President

Based on his film taste he was the greatest President ever!


I tried to sell a script to Hollywood about you leaving your parents basement but they said it was way too outlandish and non-plausible.


Sad there are so many ultraright trolls on MC. Guess you guys were kicked off of all the other platforms and now you're boohooing badly because the former guy lost by 7,000,000.



Wow you've been working on your vocabulary! What next!

Why would 81 million people vote for a dementia patient who sniffs children in public and puts his hands all over them? Why would they vote for someone who says "Inshallah" and has a crackhead son?

Your whole so-called "life" revolves around boasting about a fake victory in which you probably needed at least 15 million fake votes, most of them on the electronic machines but some of them in hastily printed paper ballots.

Outside of here you send creepy love letters to your favourite WWE wrestlers (don't know whether you're into male or female, don't care) and you masturbate while playing endless video games. Hopefully one of those basement-dweller blood clots will take care of you soon.


This is proof President Carter didn't do much in office except embarrass himself to the world. Pretty fitting his penultimate movie was Popeye.


Popeye was a good movie though


That is an impressive list, lol. He was in office during the best years of Hollywood.


Yeesh, the best years? It's all a matter of taste, but wow...


Lmao at a Marvel/Disney fanboy questioning other people’s taste in movies. The irony of your username…


I don't mean to question your taste, it's just hard to imagine anyone considering 1977-1980 the best years of Hollywood. I have to say I'm very curious what films from those four years you think are enduring classics.


The New Hollywood years are widely considered to be the greatest in Hollywood history after the studio era. A lot of people think this. Maybe you’ve been living under a rock or something? I shouldn’t have to explain this…. I’m honestly just insulted by your stupid question.


You're sure full of insults. Nice talking to you.


Lol you too


Re-read our interaction. Where do I say anything insulting to you? You seem to have some kind of chip on your shoulder, and have been rude from the get-go. I was genuinely curious about someone who thinks Hollywood experienced a golden age at the end of the '70s, or on into the '80s, and I don't think I said anything rude to you at all.


Like I said, the New Hollywood era is widely considered one of the greatest in Hollywood history. I shouldn’t have to explain this anymore. Just because you want to be a contrarian doesn’t mean I’m going to entertain your nonsense. It’s also pathetic that modern Hollywood can do nothing but copy it over and over again (look how many endless sequels and reboots we’re seeing from those years… case closed).


There may be a recent revision of history, but the '60s, '70s, and '80s have long been considered the worst years for cinema, the '80s especially. And yes, I'm not unaware that recently people have started talking about those years as if they were great eras for cinema, but I attribute that to nostalgia. Just like people at the time acknowledged that disco music was shitty, but now people pontificate as though Marc Cerrone or Donna Summer rival Mozart, simply because it's easy to get fooled into thinking there's substance there somewhere.

There are always going to be revisionists who want to rethink things, and declare that what we all knew to be terrible at the time was actually great, but I'm not one. I think the best films were made between about 1920 and 1955, give or take, and there was something of a renaissance that began in about 1994. That's faded, and the overall quality of films is nearly as bad now as it was in the aforementioned dark days.


This isn’t revisionism, this is established opinion shared by a lot of people. If anything you’re the revisionist by trying to claim the opposite. The New Hollywood era is wifey considered by many critics, intellectuals, and scholars to possess among the greatest films in American history, and was largely heralded as a renaissance for American and independent cinema. It breathed new life into a stale and dying studio system that had existed during the suffocating Hayes code period, and lead to vast changes in technology that have impacted us to this day. Contemporary cinema is largely a product of the New Hollywood ideals.

Again, I cannot fathom the idea of someone thinking that the 60s, 70s, and 80s and the “worst”(???) years in history.
Like what kind of messed up crack cocaine or wood chips do you have to be snorting to possess such an inane and bizarre thought. It’s at this point I believe you are just trying to be a hipster and claim the opposite to try and look smart for no reason. When in reality it just makes you look the opposite. Wow. Lmao


May I ask how old you are?

The prevailing thought until fairly recently was that for the most part, movies got worse in the '60s, were bad in the '70s, and nearly unwatchable in the '80s. About 20 years ago, the very hipsters who you denigrate began floating the idea that "maybe those movies were actually good."

Keep in mind, I'm not making some blanket statement that every film made after 1959, or whatever year, is awful. There are certainly quality films from all eras. But, if you spoke to someone in, say, 1995, about film, the overwhelming opinion was that movies had been a steep decline since the '50s, and there had only recently been a reversal of that trend.


I wouldn't continue a circle-jerk argument with the poorly-named Filmbuff. It's obvious this windbag has no real knowledge of film history. His posts are littered with material on superhero junk and he thinks we are somehow living in some new Golden Age of Hollywood because he's surrounded by all these pictures for juveniles. His opinions on film are not worth the effort to argue over as he has lousy taste in movies.


Again, you must be snorting PCP or something because literally hardly anyone has shared the opinion that the 60s and 70s were the “worst” (LOL??) for cinema. They were widely considered a renaissance for independent and young directors who were free of the restraints of the studio system and lead to some of the greatest films of all time. You would have to be seriously deranged or just brain-damaged to think so. If anything, movies have been declining since the 80s when special effects took over and became more important than storytelling. Anyway, nice talking to you, lol


I wouldn't say the best, but one of the best film eras. My fave is the '60s. But many of the films he saw are from earlier periods.


You actually sit around watching 70s films? Gawd I'm glad I'm not you.


Yeah, I guess Dora the Explorer is more your style.


Yeah, I guess Dora the Explorer is more your style.

Well, at least you didn't say "something something, go watch Transformers instead". That's one good thing about it I guess.


I didn’t even rate you as having a developed brain, so I figured movies that go boom good are above your speed.


You have to get the last word no matter how lame it is then?


Are you talking to yourself now?


If you agree Joe Biden should kill himself live on TV (and you should do the same), please indicate by either continuing to reply, or by ignoring this post.


If he did that you’d have no where to direct your inner-rage


I'm with you... most of the films made in the '70s and '80s are painful to watch. There are exceptions, and some of the bad films have good moments, but nearly always when someone tells me I must watch fill-in-the-blank masterpiece from 1975, it's a deeply flawed, poorly written, shoddily edited, meandering film that suffered from a Director With Vision who needed to be reined in, and wasn't.


I’ve seen some stupid opinions out there but this takes the cake.


Hey, if you like the films of that era, more power to you. It's not like I'm saying something that isn't a widely-held opinion.


What the fck? 70s movies are great! Take the stick outta your ass!!!!!


There are some gems, but by and large the late '60s into the early '90s is the worst era of cinema.


Username doesn’t check out.

This is a really sh*tty take

If anything the 2000s -> today are the worst in cinema and you’d be brain damaged to think otherwise (which majority of the world is).


He's one of us!


Yup, definitely.


Um, no he has a wife and four kids.... definitely not anything like you


Jimmy was a weak President, but he's a great human being. Back then when he was active, Democrats were not raving-mad communists. Jimmy's OK in my book. Even more so now that I know he loved Westerns.


And he seemed to love Bond and The Pink Panther movies.


>> Based on his film taste he was the greatest President ever!

Well, Nixon was no slouch either:


Wow, he's got a great list! Even though he was the 2nd worst president ever!


Yeah, he was a true film buff.


the guy who ended Vietnam and gave all diabetics free dialysis for life? Worse than Lincoln or W. or Reagan?


Not sure what world you're from. "ended Vietnam" destroying it as well as Laos and Cambodia. W. is a close 3rd worst. Lincoln is generally considered the #1 greatest President; he's in my top 5 anyway. Reagan is definitely not among the worst. Even though I opposed many of his policies he oversaw the end of the Cold War with Gorby. If you liked Nixon's domestic policies you can thanks us Dems; we were in charge in Congress and Tricky Dick let us have our way while he did his genocide in SE Asia and Chile. Then he was caught by Watergate; Doh!


Ended the war, you fucking moron (something none of you faggot ass dems could ever do). Unlike Lincoln, who's had us in a terrorized war state with blacks ever since.


So you're a pro-slavery Confederate. Thanks for admitting it. At least there is one honest one on here. All the other ultrarightees pretend they're not.


No, I dont want the defective farm equipment. Thats Spain who brought them here.


That is a great list. I've seen a lot of those. He is not the best president. George Washington was the best. He is no longer the worst, either. Joe Biden is the worst.


Joe Biden is the best. Fixed it for ya!


Joe Biden is the best.

You really think the Dodderer In Chief is better than the man who carried the country through World War 2 (FDR), the man who freed all the slaves and beat the confederacy (Abraham Lincoln), or the man who made peace with Russia and ended the Cold War (Ronald Reagan).

Nobody can be that stupid, not even you.

This is more proof that you are only here to say deliberately stupid things. You don't even like Joe Biden yourself.


Popeye did him in.
