MovieChat Forums > Sarah Chalke Discussion > Sarah is really really pretty, but she i...

Sarah is really really pretty, but she is SO skinny now!

I was watching Scrubs on the 6th and i was so shocked when i saw how skinny she has gotten!! I remember in the first season when she was so healthy looking, but now her head is so big, her arms and legs are like toothpicks. Ahhhh I miss the old Elliot the quirky funny Elliot, not this new whiney self-involved one. Bleh! I miss you old Elliot!


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I couldn't agree more.

I really should change my signature...


Hey Nathan, watch out about what you say. An entire thread was once deleted off the [scrubs] boards because it stated that Jordan is hotter than Carla and Elliot put together. Which in my opinion, is completely preposterous.

I really should change my signature...



I really should change my signature...


Yeah, she is too skinny right now and it really sucks. Evidence:

Hopefully she will put 5 or 10 pounds back on. She looked like a strong, healthy, sexy woman before. Now she looks like the typical starlet stick figure.


I think she's still really cute. I like skinny girls. Even though I've always thought she was sexy and looked good.

She looks even better now. Although like Bill Lawrence mentions in the Scrubs DVD commentary that's more due to the fact that the show put more of an emphasis on her hotness after the first couple seasons. They even poke fun at this in a season 3 episode with Elliot compared to other female doctors.

In the first couple seasons the wardrobe and makeup people were instructed to make it realistic, in that new doctors tend to be short on sleep and relatively unkept, because of the high stress and long hours. Which is why Elliot looks far hotter from s3 on.


OMG! She looks like a young, blonde Nancy Reagan!!!!

She used to be so hot. What a shame.

Hah! Made you look!!
