Episode 8

Do you think Hayden will be in Episode 8 of Star Wars?


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I would have no problem with it and would enjoy it but have no idea. I think the only person who has a chance of getting through to Kylo would be the Force Ghost of Anakin. It could be a great moment between the two of them after Kylo wakes up from the shock and excitement of seeing him lol. Luke or even Leia could contact Anakin through the force and ask him to do it. It sets up some good story. I worry since Hayden does get hate they maybe they wouldn't bother with him.


It would be nice to see him again, 8 or 9. Honestly he seems to be kind of important for the story so why miss the opportunity.


Because a) his portrayal was largely derided by most of western civilization, b) he isn't particularly loved by SW fans, so bringing him back would actually be the opposite of fan service (which is all TFA really was) and c) he's a talentless twat.

Other than that, they should TOTALLY bring him back.


a) No it isn't, you just want to believe that because you dislike him, there is a difference.

b) He is actually quite loved by good number of SW fans, while others may not be fans, but they are fine with him coming back. You should visit other forums and you will see

c) The same as first one, you disliking him doesn't make him talent-less.

“Your focus determines your reality.”


a) No it isn't, you just want to believe that because you dislike him, there is a difference.

b) He is actually quite loved by good number of SW fans, while others may not be fans, but they are fine with him coming back. You should visit other forums and you will see

c) The same as first one, you disliking him doesn't make him talent-less.
a) I dislike him because of his poor performance, not the other way around. Without being antagonistic to you personally, can you please link me to a positive review of his performance (and I don't mean a blog or forum post, I'm talking about something that would be considered an opinion influencing 'official' review) as I just spent a few minutes googling and can (literally) find nothing that isn't some lame "well, it was all Lucas' fault".
b) I would strong disagree with this as I am a huge Star Wars geek and belong to many Star Wars related forums and generally see very little positive written about him. Again, without being antagonistic to you personally, if you can link me to a vein of positivism, I'd like to see it to be more educated.
c) again, you're getting it the wrong way around. I was aware of him before SW, I was a reasonable fan of Life as a House but have seen nothing else where he gave a good performance, and his track record actually supports my position more than yours.

But hey, herein lies the beauty of opinions. Neither of us is wrong because this is a very subjective subject. I think - based on multiple different viewings of him in different roles - that he is a mediocre (at best!) actor, which is why I dislike him. If you think he is talented and enjoy his performances, have at it :)


I am really not in the mood to search for reviews. As for forums part, there is a thread in jediforce.net called Hayden Christensen in new films, and it has more than a 100 pages of posts and a lot of them are positive and for him coming back.

Anyway, I liked his performance in SW you didn't. You don't like his performance in Shattered Glass, but he got a lot of praise for that. As for Life as a House, he was nominated for Golden Globe for that part. But besides those 3 there are more things you can see him in, and I would never say he is talentless. But like you said, it is subjective.

My point is that you not liking him, subjective or not, doesn't mean he shouldn't be in new films.


I shall look for that thread on Jediforce, thank you.

My point is that you not liking him, subjective or not, doesn't mean he shouldn't be in new films.
Not sure if you're aware of the unintentional irony of this statement.

"My point is that you liking him, subjective or not, doesn't mean he should be in new films."

Welcome to a public forum.
