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Hillary Clinton goes on unhinged rant about MAGA on CNN

“Maybe they don’t like migrants? Maybe they don’t like gay people? Or black people? Or the woman who got the promotion at work they didn’t get?!"

Hillary Clinton on Trump supporters: “At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”

Hillary Clinton is calling for reeducation camps for Trump supporters.


Hillary is not wrong.


Neither is she right.


She's right about Trump. Did you see the video where Hillary laughed out loud when she was told that Trump was indicted? Lock him up!


Hey, high inflation, world war III, a permanently divided population, it's all good. So long as Trump is in jail, it's all good...


Trump broke the law and he's facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor. How can any patriotic American support Trump? Your stupidity and gullibility is astounding.


This whole trial was proven and exposed as nothing more than to keep Trump from running and winning in 2024 and someone already posted this from CNN days ago and you still keep beating this drum


Wow! Who's following who here on this forum now? I missed that story from CNN so could you please post a link so I could read it?


You're like a broken record demanding proof of everything, so you once again posted about something that you were shown proof of days ago thus making you an idiot


So make me look stupid and post your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. It's a simple request. Why do you run away like the little pussy you are instead of posting your evidence? Nothing else matters. Just post your evidence.


Again, 71% Polled after that Election stated Biden didn't win legitimately and those 71% can't possibly all be wrong about feeling the same thing in that the 2020 Election was crooked and the Democrats used a fake virus to get the job done and get people to fall into line, something people won't be stupid enough to do again in 2024


Holy fuck! That's terrible! How did Biden create the COVID-19 virus just to make Trump look bad? Please post your evidence that the COVID-19 is a fake virus which killed millions of people across the world. Then post your proof that the 2020 election was rigged. Quit being a pussy!


I'll believe 71% of the people Polled citing Biden didn't win legitimately and because of that, I'm content with this being proof and why?? Because once again, 71% who voted this way can't possibly all be wrong about the same thing: Joe Biden did not win the 2020 Election legit, but that's water under the bridge now that the American people who fell for this know he's terrible and will be replaced next November and replaced with the idea of getting a fresh start for 2025 to wipe away the stench of the Biden Administration and toss George Soros in there while I'm at it


You are so far gone and extremely stupid and gullible if you believe what you posted. Soros? Really? He's just one of many boogeymen that you're frightened of. He does nothing that effects you.

You believe that thousands if not millions of people somehow got organized, worked together without any problems across state lines and then rigged the 2020 election without being caught just so Biden could win? Are you really this stupid? It's been 3 years. Where's the proof? Maybe today is the day you release your evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.


Hey Look everyone!! My online son is up and following his Dad from 1 post to the next, just like I said he does?? Who'd a thought?? LOL


Just like anyone else who reads your post I have no idea what you are babbling about. Go to bed before you hurt yourself.


When did I say I support Trump? I didn't. You're stupid for assuming I do. I'll allow you the last word and then I'll consider this exchange concluded.


She was right about everything back in 2016. And she's right now.


You get paid a nickel per post to prop her up?


No. She's not running for any office. Why would she need propping up at all?


If she is awake then her ego needs constant massaging. We're in October of 2023 so she has plenty of time to consider a run and I would not put the odds at 0. Probably a 20-25 percent probability that she runs.


Aww...did she hurt your widdle MAGA feewings??


I am simply making an observation. Take down your MAGA deflector shield (it ain't working) and discuss the possibility that she may run in 2024. Further, that she has an ego. Most politicians do.


No. Normally when people lose the presidency, they don't come back for seconds. Always a bad idea.


Jessica Tarlov responds on Fox : "I need everybody to spare the faux outrage about this.. Here’s a little collection of things that Trump and Republicans call liberals on a daily basis…"



Hillary Clinton:

“At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”

...reeducation camps for Trump supporters.


Perhaps "conversion therapy" will work for the chump dildos out there who won't "see the light" and come to God... do the right thing....



She is the devil!


I guess she hit the nail on the head then.


She is one of the most evil people on earth today. A glance from her can turn a person to stone. I'm glad I'm sufficiently younger than she is so that she'll die before me and I can have a few years to enjoy the thought of her burning in Hell.


It's MAGA which is unhinged. Hillary is just telling the truth ... for once.


How about we deprogram those with TDS and twisted ideas of Democrap "democracy" first? Or perhaps we can put Hillary on trial for crimes against humanity first?

I take it she's still butthurt from losing in 2016? Anal burning for someone like her can be a bitch.
