MovieChat Forums > James Corden Discussion > The hate mob......

The hate mob......

I notice lots of posts saying Corden is not a nice person....untalented.... unfunny... etc... I'm guessing most are Trekki geeks and/or British people who for some reason feel they know him. Then of course you have those few Craig Ferguson fans still mouring the end of his show.

But this stems so much further. I understand DISLIKING a celebrity. We all can't stand someone. Those who are everywhere, constantly in the tabloid press and TV. But Corden is a Chat Show host in the USA at Midnight!! Are these haters sat up with a mug of spite shouting abuse at the TV whilst they rock back and forward?

It's not difficult to see the show is a run away success. I don't know about the TV ratings over in the US, but all the huge guests he has, the carpool karaoke and battle raps have taken what was once a little zany cult show into a global hit.

And how is he nasty and spiteful? Someone even called him two faced.

Corden is a proven success. Award winning writer, award winning actor and of course Tony award winner.

Haters gonna hate...trollers gonna troll. But at the end of the day Corden's success is organic.


He appears to be a fine person-- have not read any reports to say otherwise. I am not a fan of his comedy but I think he is a good singer. This is the first time I have been to his page-- was just curious to see the opinions here because he and his show are so popular and I felt like the only one who was not a fan of the talk show. However, I agree with you that there is no reason for the unkindness and personal attacks. ...and no matter what any of us think-- he is laughing all the way to the bank, so I am sure he doesn't care.

"By the way, All just married hermself. Mono marriage is finally legal in Italy."


It's more likely to be British people. And I partially understand it as I found Gavin and Stacey a very unfunny show. He also made a relatively unfunny comedy show with Matthew Horner. Apart from that, though, he was unfairly criticised for the gloriously camp Lesbian Vampire Killers which actually had some good atmosphere to it. But then winning awards for One Man Two Guvnors and becoming a success in America means that suddenly people are saying 'Come back'. One problem some immature British people might have with James Corden's American show is that he's so pleased to be in America, let alone on TV in America, let alone talking to celebrities, let alone being friends with celebrities, that he is really nice and warm to all his guests. Sadly, many British people will tend to associate that style as seeming old fashioned or fake in a world of internet trolling. Particularly when James adopted a modified 'best behaviour' persona when he started his chat show as if he was walking on egg shells, putting on a posher voice than we were used to from him. The British often forget / don't care that cynicism often isn't a sign of intellect. It's a sign of a nervous defence mechanism from an in some way inferior person towards an in some way superior person. So best wishes James.


I think that was a very sound explanation.

Best line: "...cynicism often isn't a sign of intellect."

Amen to that. I'd buy the t-shirt.

"By the way, All just married hermself. Mono marriage is finally legal in Italy."


"Corden is a proven success"

The script writers and situational producers are a success.


Ah so no need for anymore Actor and Presenter awards or applause for performers of material at awards ceremonies or in reviews anymore then.



What a dickhead.


Trekki geeks and/or British people

James Corden is the most unfunniest fat retard I've ever hated a woman for not aborting at birth. If "Trekki geeks" is code for anyone who isn't an intellectually stunted, chubby chasing, backwards fücked in the head abortion like you then I agree.


In other words your jealous of him and his huge success.
