MovieChat Forums > James Corden Discussion > can we petition the white house to revok...

can we petition the white house to revoke his visa

so he made fun of a few very patriotic kids singing a wonderful sweet song loving and praising the country he works in and writes his pay checks?

this dumb lib needs to be shipped out ASAP! What an America hating sicko!

-things I write on IMDB may come from my blog


The only person who should leave the U.S. is the candidate who doesn't think it's already the GREATEST country on Earth.


Who didn't make fun of Trump's girl group?


Yet many of you think trump,is a good idea


There is a petition to get him off the air and all it takes is 100,000 votes. Please for the love of everything that is good in this woirld, sign it:


First, the executive branch has no say in what tv networks program.
Second, take that phoney nationalism elsewhere. That Trump rally was a joke and every late night talk show host treated it as such.


