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Confirmed: New theatrical trailer for Assassin's Creed TOMORROW

Confirmed by Fox!

Nolan, I love you forever!


Finally! I hope it shows more of the other characters and it doesn't feature any rap song but a music score instead.


Well, it's finally here.

And yep, it features rap song once again, though it's not Kanye that time, thank God.

In full honesty, my reaction to this one was more mixed rather than positive. Maybe because with the first one I wanted to get ANYTHING, and I've got pretty fun and settling trailer, but with this one I expected slightly more than this. The props were the new footage (especially with Marion and Jeremy Irons), the improved graphics and overall style (Kurzel rocks), and the tone of the trailer which reminded me games a little. But with orchestral score and better editing, it could have been so much better. SO MUCH.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I found it better than the first one actually. But I'm not sold on it yet. I really can't buy Fassbender as a hero and Marion's role doesn't seem very interesting so far. I hope I'm wrong though!

About the music, it seems Fox pretended fans didn't exist and they put another popular song on the trailer. I understand what they wanted to do, which is reach a wider audience besides fans of the game, but it just doesn't fit the game. I wonder if there will be any orchestrated music in this film after these trailers. And that would be really a shame cause I've heard AC's music before and it's amazing.

Visuals are stunning, Kurzel and Arkapaw are brilliant together.


Jed is doing the music for this one. Justin confirmed on the Fbook live it would be an appropriate score


I know Jed got this job because of Justin but I thought they had given up because the music score was never presented anywhere, not even for a second. I hope Fox has the decency of enabling us to listen to it before AC comes out because those raps are kinda ridiculous for the game. And I'm sure Jed did a good job so...come on!


We're both sold on it because of Marion. At least me. =) 

Yes, I also think that's what they do, because it simply doesn't match Assassin's Creed at all.

No, of course they will be orchestraded music in the film, only 2 music songs are confirmed now in score - who playing in the opening credits and the other as a background in a prologue, all the other music is supposed to be original soundtrack composed by Jed Kurzel.

Visuals are stunning, that's true. Color palette is amazing, I love how past in sepia and present in blue are blending and contrasting one with another. And cinematography is totally superb, I don't doubt Arkapaw did an amazing job again on this.

Nolan, I love you forever!


I'm kidding, I know the film will have a score! It seems it doesn't because Fox only used cheap songs on trailers.

I'm watching it for Marion all the way! And visuals of course. I liked color's difference in present and past too, beautiful. At least technically the film will be awesome!


I know, it's strange with the marketing. When they go to game shows and present footage to gamers, they have music that's fitting with the series
