MovieChat Forums > Marion Cotillard Discussion > The reason why she delayed her planned o...

The reason why she delayed her planned on June 1.5-year break

From the new interview with her on Version Femina:
Après le film de Robert Zemeckis [Alliés, qui sort en novembre], je me suis dit que j'allais prendre vraiment du temps, et puis Arnaud Desplechin m'a proposé un scénario. Ce projet était irrésistible alors j'ai accepté. J'ai d'ailleurs commencé le tournage.

After the Robert Zemeckis film [Allied, which will be released in November], I thought I was really going to take my time, and then Arnaud Desplechin offered me a scenario. This project was irresistible so I agreed. I've actually started shooting this.

Nolan, I love you forever!


She'll take her break next year apparently, after Jeanne D'Arc. She has two children to raise after all! Her cheater boyfriend is working a lot so someone needs to be at home.

I hope she works again from mid 2018 on, she deserves to rest a bit and spend time with her kids. She's not 20 years old anymore but 41 and a mom 
