MovieChat Forums > Marion Cotillard Discussion > Why they drag her into this *hit?

Why they drag her into this *hit?

She is honest and beautiful lady, with son and boyfriend, of best actress in the world. To everybody just *uck off from her


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I hate that this is happening to her. I guarantee you if she was not co star of Brad in movie this would not be happening. Hopefully this blows over for her soon. Id hate to see her board infected with this kind of drama especially considering she has nothing to do with it.


The amount of stuipd people actually buying this BS is shocking! And tells you how sad and tabloid obsessed our culture is! Who cares if Marion never had an affair with him, lets chase her and her family, and lets call her names!


Yeah its sad this is happening especially now that she is pregnant and they are using that for made up fake stories. Let Marion and her husband enjoy her pregnancy and leave them alone.


Yeah, I feel bad for her. She is going to have the tabloids drag her name in this for awhile now. And I really don't think anything happened between her and Brad Pitt. :P


F*u*c*k Brad Pitt and his PR team.


It's the tabloids making that nonsense up---of course, you can't beleive half of what they say anyway.
