Is this true?

She cheated on her partner with Sinclair (famous pop singer) and broke up his 10 years relationship with Emma de Caunes…breaking up their family since they had a 2years old girl…Only to cheat on him with a crew member on a movie just 9 month after that.

is it true? that's what i read.


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She started dating Sinclair after he divorced Emma in early 2005 and her former boyfriend back then, Stephen, dumped her because of her busy schedule if I'm not mistaken. In 2007 she was then dumped again by Sinclair because of her Oscar campaign (he barely saw her as a consequence), which allowed you know who to drag her into his messy life, unfortunately.


What are you implying about her boyfriend? She loves him enough to stick with him for so long and give birth to two of his children


Canet is a jerk. Yes, she loves him, I overrated her capacity of realizing that she deserves better (give him a few more years to replace her for a woman who's half his age). But it's not the first time a decent woman has kids with a disgusting man, look at Bellucci and Cassel, who had two kids on her 40s and split after 20 years together, or Affleck and Garner. But as I said before, if she wants to live with him, that's her life.

I hope her kid is as healthy as Marcel and her children give her happiness 


I don't think we can throw around those extremely harsh insults like disgusting since we don't know him personally. She obviously sees something beautiful in him


If she sees it, good for her. I don't like what I see and there are people who met him personally who said the same on social networks. Marion is a big girl, if she thinks he's the one for her, it's her choice. Have a great weekend!


What exactly don't you not like about him?


I sent you a DM!
