MovieChat Forums > Daniel Craig Discussion > Doesn't deserve to play Bond

Doesn't deserve to play Bond

He openly has bashed and said how much he hates the character of Bond and thinks he's a misogynist. Should get someone who actually admires the character of Bond to play him.


My dad said he sucked as Bond. He had originally liked James Bond in the past because the guy was clever in using his brains, his gadgets, the environment around him, and sometimes his fighting skills. It's why Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan were so good at it.

Daniel Craig's Bond mostly just uses his fists and very little brains. Mom didn't find him sexy at all. In fact, he has all the sex appeal of a brick wall, to be honest.


and you honestly think Craig decided this? It wasn't like, the director, writer and studio?


I have no idea what was going on behind the scenes. Obviously someone wanted a blond Brit to play Bond this time around, and thought that Daniel Craig would fit the bill, because he'd been in some other action films before that. They kept him for several more films because he could make the studio money, not because his version of Bond was great or likeable. People mostly watched the latest films to see the action and turn a blind eye to Craig doing such a crappy job. A pity that most people don't think of Daniel Craig when they think of James Bond. Can't imagine why Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan are the more well-known Bonds, do you?


what does a blond have anything to do with anything?

Im not sure what you are talking about Connery is probably the most famous bond...

as for Brosnan he made one decent bond film, goldeneye, and even that now doesnt hold up.. Casino Royal on the other hand Is an amazing film...


This ^^^^

I always get a kick out of the people who don't like Daniel Craig, simply because he's not a prettyboy...and doesn't mesh with people's warped image of what Bond should look like. The Bond in Flemming's books was not a prettyboy....he was a badass assassin, with a scar running down the side of his face.

Daniel Craig is the first Bond that looks like he could kill someone with his bare...hands. Prime example: When he fights the machete-wielding baddie in the stairwell in CR. He's not afraid to scrap! Diving around, throwing his body at this guy...get's him into a hold and chokes the life out of him. Then what does he do? He goes back up to his room...slugs down a double scotch...changes his shirt, and then goes back down to the game. Cool...and bad-ASS.

How about on QofS...when he's attacked in that third-world apartment. He stabs the guy in a major artery with his own knife. Then, he gets him into a hold and calmly waits while the guy bleeds out.

People give Brosnan way too much credit, simply because he looks "suave"...prancing around in his little tuxedos...not a hair out of place, worrying if his little martinis are shaken or stirred.

Daniel Craig changed the game. The opening free-running scene in CR alone...had more physicality in it than any 10 previous Bond films. His brawl with Bautista on the train in Spectre....frickin amazing.

Hey, Connery is the coolest and the best. He's the standard by which all others will be measured and come up short. But Craig is way under-appreciated. And it's usually because he's not pretty enough for some of these men who want to see a pretty Bond, prancing around in little tuxedos...rather than a badass Bond, taking care of business.


Im just not sure amerigirls gripe....

"Daniel Craig is the first Bond that looks like he could kill someone with his bare...hands. Prime example: When he fights the machete-wielding baddie in the stairwell in CR. He's not afraid to scrap! Diving around, throwing his body at this guy...get's him into a hold and chokes the life out of him. Then what does he do? He goes back up to his room...slugs down a double scotch...changes his shirt, and then goes back down to the game. Cool...and bad-ASS. "

exactly. hes not supposed to be a pretty boy manicured person. he can be cultured but like you said a badass..

"People give Brosnan way too much credit, simply because he looks "suave"...prancing around in his little tuxedos...not a hair out of place, worrying if his little martinis are shaken or stirred. "

he may have played the "sophisticate British spy" well but he doesnt seem to be getting much love these days overall for his portrayal.. no one laments any but goldeneye and I rewatched it recently and it doesnt hold up well...

"Hey, Connery is the coolest and the best. He's the standard by which all others will be measured and come up short. But Craig is way under-appreciated. And it's usually because he's not pretty enough for some of these men who want to see a pretty Bond, prancing around in little tuxedos...rather than a badass Bond, taking care of business."

ya one could argue that Brosnans focused TOO much on the gadgets and brought us back to the silly days of Roger Moore. Now that I think of it Craig seems like an updated scrappier Connery while Brosnan seemed like an updated tech driven Moore


Totally agree about Goldeneye. WAY overrated!
The Bond girls suck, and are actually annoying. Alan Cumming is very annoying. And don't even get me started on Joe Don Baker. (Joe Don Baker? REALLY?)

Goldeneye is just....bad.
But things sunk to new lows with Die Another Day. Once we got to invisible cars...and Bond windsurfing on a tidal wave (using a car door and a parachute)....ummm, the producers did us a HUGE favor by rebooting.

And wow did they open their reboot (Casino Royale) with a bang! You've NEVER seen a Bond like this before. More jaw-dropping action and gritty combat than any 10 previous Bond films.


So you're the kind of guys who like male heroes who are all brawn and no brain? That explains everything as to why you dislike my assessment of Craig's "brawny" Bond. Excuse me if I like men who are clever when they fight, instead of using brute force all the time. Excuse me if I like men who are classy and have the balls to wear a tuxedo, even when confronted by goons with guns.


omg be quiet.




you seem to use want to whine about Craig and bond for some reason. did you even watch casino royal? the poster of the film literally has him in a tuxedo. The premise of the film is literally a mix of him using his brains (the card game) mixed with his sheer brain. There is the stairwell fight scene him using his brain to wrap his arm in his tuxedo coat to defend against the guys machete/knife because he is losing. he knows he cant beat the weapon directly so he keeps his distance, then uses his superior martial arts skills to take him down and use a hold to choke him out.

So again be quiet please. You either haven't seen the movie or just want to complain I dont know which


Well guess what Brucie, you're not gonna be able to worship Dickwad Craig for much longer. Hollyweird is dumping him for a boring black chick. Get ready for the Bond movies to suck worse than the ones you've already been watching.


im not worshipping anything. besides casino Royale I actually hate all his other bond movies

You were wrong, I proved you wrong and you rent a big enough person to admit you could be wrong about something trivial. grow up maybe?


"So you're the kind of guys who like male heroes who are all brawn and no brain? That explains everything as to why you dislike my assessment of Craig's "brawny" Bond. Excuse me if I like men who are clever when they fight, instead of using brute force all the time. Excuse me if I like men who are classy and have the balls to wear a tuxedo, even when confronted by goons with guns."

@AmeriGirl......Not sure why you think brawn and brains are mutually exclusive things. A person can have both...and Craig's Bond definitely did. Along with his smart fighting tactics (everything from the stairwell fight tactics already mentioned by the freerunning scene, where he jumps on the cherrypicker lift and smashes the hydraulics so that it drops down the scene in Skyfall where he uses the komodo dragon as a jumping point in that fight at the the fight with Baustista in Spectre on the train, where he latched the chain hook on Baustista's belt, and then kicked the chain-linked kegs out the open train door, etc, etc, etc...), he aslo showed keen instincts and intelligence in general, in his everyday moves.

In CR, he figured out Mathis's involvement with LeChiffe, which led him to go after the kidnapped Vesper. In the poker game, he knew the odds of LeChiffe pulling the hand he did, hence he realized he was bluffing...and the hand he pulled was blind luck. In QofSolace...he deduced who the bf was that Vesper was remembering a necklace pattern.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. And the character of James Bond was never written as being suave or sexy. He was an orphan from a poor background. As a spy, he was a rugged, "blunt instrument", with a brutish scar running down the side of his face. Daniel Craig plays this alpha strength and cold, cool focus perfectly. If you don't like his portrayal...blame the director.

Craig can certainly pull off the panache when he needs to. But he doesn't run around in tuxedos any more than he needs to. Not like Moore (who I happen to really like as well)...running around the desert in tuxedos in TSWLM, for example.

You may have found the character of Bond sexy through the years, which is just fine. And maybe what you like is the alpha male persona...with a perfect mix of brains, brawn and panache.....but to suggest DC lacks these hard to back up with facts. It's really just a matter of your own preference.


Well guess what, your precious Daniel Craig is gonna be dumped for a stupid boring black woman, because....reasons, according to the newest Bond films coming up. Hope you like being disappointed in the theaters.


amerigirl doesnt have an actual point based on how she replied to me and your comments. No fact could persuade her otherwise because she came to whine and be the victim then throw in her political tantrum at the end. she accomplished her goal


The only reason anybody watched "Goldeneye" was to laugh at it. I liked "The World is Not Enough" much better. It was much better-written, very well-acted, and had some fun action scenes. I refuse to talk about "Tomorrow Never Dies" or "Die Another Day." Both those films sucked like the vacuum of space. Even Craig wouldn't have been able to punch his way through those.

I hate to say this, but Daniel Craig's Bond sounds like the kind of guy to star in "James Bond for Dummies" films.

And Brosnan did not prance. He did a very good job as James Bond, and it was cruel of them to not use him after a while because he was "too old" for the part.


according to critic score as well as audience goldeneye ranks higher. It seems the consensus disagrees with you.

"I hate to say this, but Daniel Craig's Bond sounds like the kind of guy to star in "James Bond for Dummies" films. "

ummm okay.... except the entire point of Craigs bond has been what you want and seem to be complaining he isnt.

brosnan didn't return because they felt they needed a reboot. From the silly over the top Cgi laden Brosnan era to a more gritty realistic one.

on top of that

"Taking Die Another Day's critical mauling into consideration, Bond's producers perhaps weren't prepared to pay out quite so much, and since Casino Royale was Daniel Craig's first Bond effort, the newcomer's salary was considerably lower compared to what Brosnan would've been paid."

not saying age didn't play a part but its hardly "cruel". Brosnan's would have been 53 at the time of casino royal release. If the plan was to have a new series of films which they clearly did, it makes sense to have someone who could play bond for films to come. Brosnan is currently 67.... would be be playing bond now? I actually think it would have been an interesting take seeing the aged hardened Bond maybe his old style of spy craft clashing in a modern world. However grizzled and aged bond isnt exactly a new theme and would have been done to death by the time of this new film


I don't put much stock in cinema scoring, particularly if critics are involved. Critics have terrible taste in movies, and their assessments can't be relied upon because they can often be paid to say whatever the movie-makers and advertisers want them to say. I also would not rely on IMDB ratings, because not everyone knows about that website, and only some people rate the movie, not every person on the planet.


So the consensus of critics are wrong, and so are fans based off 270k imdb votes and 280 rotten tomato ones.. Yes everyone is wrong but you are right......

also you dont need every person to vote to get a sample or at least a decent idea. based on this and other posts it seems you have problems with reality in general and just want to act like your unsupported views are the truth.


You must be very young if you can't associate Sean Connery with James Bond. He's always the very first actor everyone thinks of when it comes to James Bond, and whenever people think of the actor, they always think of James Bond first, because it was that role that made him famous. Dad and I watched 2 of his most famous films; "Goldfinger," and "Dr. No," and both were interesting, if a bit ridiculous.


I just said I (and most people) associate sean with bond the most. I literally said "Im not sure what you are talking about Connery is probably the most famous bond... "


Where was it ever written that Bond was sexy??


I dont think It was but kinda goes with the whole male protagonist kinda thing...


My post was meant to fall under AmeriGirl's post. My bad.
She complains that Bond isn't..."sexy".

In what world was he ever supposed to be? LOL


Did you forget all the girls he boned in the past films? Did you forget about all of his female fans? It wasn't because of his suits or his money, that's for sure. He had sex appeal, no bones about it.


In every single film about James Bond? Or did you only watch the Daniel Craig ones and never looked at the older ones? Believe me, Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan had huge female fanbases. All the girls wanted to be a Bond Girl, to have the honor of going on adventures with them and spending nights with them in their beds.


It strikes me as a little odd that you would base your opinions on what your parents think 🤔

Personally my father thought Charles Bronson was the best actor ever and my mother thinks Robert Wagner is a total sexpot, but I tend to make my own mind up on these things!


My parents were the ones who first introduced me to James Bond. It's how I learned about Sean Connery and the guys who came after him. I would never have heard about him if my parents hadn't told me first.

My parents usually have good judgement when it comes to films and actors, particularly older films. We don't always agree on which films/actors we like, but if dad says a film is good, or the actors are good, he's usually right. I certainly wasn't gonna disagree when he said the "American Pie" movies were "vile," or when he and my brother complained about how ridiculous the "Kill Bill" movies were.

And to be honest, Daniel Craig has only one facial expression: he looks like a cold, stone statue, and most of the time, I don't associate James bond with a look like that. The best James Bonds I've seen are the ones that have a clever, sly smile, or an intelligent look on their face. Daniel Craig has all the screen charisma of an iceberg, complete with little in the way of brains. I'm amazed he still remembers he has a dick, much less how to use it.


He's the least like Bond. And he's not very good looking.


I don't think so either. I find him about as appealing as a brick wall, with about the same amount of sex appeal as well. The only reason the girls boned him in any of the recent Bond films was because it was in the script, not because there was any on-screen chemistry.
