The Good Wife

Matt has just been cast in the CBS pilot "The Good Wife" where he'd play a young attorney. Already hoping this gets picked up by CBS. The CBS Upfronts announcement of its 2009 schedule is on May 20th which just happens to be Matt's birthday. Hoping he gets a great birthday present from CBS on that day. Congratulations Matt. According to Matt's character is named Cary. Cool.


and the show is most likely to be picked up ;)


Yes! Word out all over now that the show has been picked up by CBS. It really got good reviews from the script and apparentally from the screening of the pilot too. Looking forward to this one. It will be good to have Matt back on weekly tv. Congratulations Matt.


big YAY! :D


You said it! big YAY! for sure. And I'm really happy that Matt is on CBS and NOT The CW. Matt's far too talented for that. He deserves a quality show on a big network and that's what he got.


i completely agree! :)

The first still of Julianna and chris noth is already released! :)


Matt will play Cary Agos in "The Good Wife". What a great birthday present. I have to say in all honesty that the online clips of the new show are beyond good. I mean this show looks great. Everyone in the cast looked great. The story and acting looks exceptional. Among the glowing comments from the Upfronts is this one from Daniel Manu (formerly of TV Guide-Now with TV W/O Pity):

The show has a slickness and intelligence that makes it look it might be a cut above the usual CBS fare, and I was happy to see Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls) and Josh Charles (Sports Night) in the supporting cast - they're talented guys that should be working more often.

Way to go Matt!


yeah i love that comment :D


Yes, lots of excellent comments about Matt from the critics. I really liked the comments by Cynthia Littleton in Variety and even the EW critic had something good to say about Matt being in the show. Very high hopes now for The Good Wife to be a hit for CBS.
