MovieChat Forums > John Francis Daley Discussion > Does he not know how to breathe through ...

Does he not know how to breathe through his nose?

In "Waiting," seriously... his mouth is open, like, 97% of the film. The guy really needs to keep his mouth closed when he isn't talking. Throughout the entire movie, whenever he was onscreen I couldn't stand it.

Don't listen to me.


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It's not that he can't breath through his nose stupid, he has lip strain which is basically that naturally his lips don't close.


Then he shouldn't act if he has defections that preclude him from looking normal, hm?

Don't listen to me.


Don't listen to me.

Good advice. I'll do so.


You're, like, the seventeenth one to do that now. I think it's funny, above all, because that's why I put it there - so unimaginative dolts can have something to attempt their witticisms toward, but really... do you have nothing else? It's sad.

Don't listen to me.


Then he shouldn't act if he has defections that preclude him from looking normal, hm?
Honestly, this is much sadder than anything I might say. Having a prejudice against someone else because of something as trivial as a lip aberration is simply wrong. Being imperfect as we are, we all have defects. There's no use in pointing out someone else's faults when you have your own.


Yeah. It's more realistic. People aren't perfect.

Besides, I don't think it's really that big of a deal at all. Obviously you do, but you shouldn't. It's silly.
