MovieChat Forums > John Francis Daley Discussion > Bones: Dr Lance Sweets

Bones: Dr Lance Sweets

Does anyone else find the Lance Sweets character thoroughly irritating, obnoxious and needy?

Time after time, Booth has to acknowledge that Sweets is right — because time after time, Sweets has to remind Booth that he has the authority to break up the team of Brennan and Booth.

I just saw the 2nd Sweets episode ("Boy in the Time Capsule") again and I noticed something. He passes over Brennan's repeated stating her lack of faith in Psychology with barely a look. However, anything Booth says that is not in complete acquiescence with everything Sweets has said is taken as hostility.
Suddenly, a chorus from "The Mikado" is running through my head: Defer! Defer!
To the Lord High Executioner!


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How about the thoroughly contrived un-Sweets-like bit with the "death metal" band so that Brennan can see the scars on his back.

Can anyone really imagine the Sweets we see now as ever having been that deep into such a genre of music?



I think that was my favourite episode with Sweets in it.

I'm not sure why you didn't like it, but I really loved it - and it made me love Sweets even more... I just wanted Brennan & Booth to just hold him.

Very touching indeed. :)


¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´


I think his character gave the show a new dimension, he gives some comic relief every now and then, something that the first 2 seasons really needed...

His an educated, talented but not that wise profesional, I think his character has room to grow... But so far I really enjoy him, excluding the annoying girlfriend part...


• There's the idea that "death metal" was a genre so thoroughly unlike Sweets-as-we-know-him,
• Now take a look at the band and the audience
— wearing ink by the quart and piercing (almost) all that can be pierced
• Now look at Dr Lance Sweets
— no sign of tattoos, no sign of piercings, just smooth pasty-white skin.

I still say that the entire episode was contrived to show Sweets' scars to Dr Brennan — and forget about consistency and continuity, we need it Tuesday!

"Uncle Cosmo, why do they call it a Word Processor?"
"It's really very simple, Skyler. You've seen what food processors do to food?"


Idk how ppl feel about this but l am Convinced he is part of the Gormagon(however spelled)! He just kind of randomly puts himself with Booth and Bones, I mean I know he is there due to Zack not being there(self decided that was told). There is an episode where there is a man in a closet that appears to have Sweets looks, not to mention he hangs with them, has access and power of/over B&B also a rapport with the "squints." Under the idea of writing a book... Even the questions of where is he at times, which was never discussed more because they seem to believe in him. Again I am only sumising this, but still there is something shifty about him.


Yeahhhh.... I like Sweets. He's my second favorite character after a tie between Hodgins and that "stereotypical english tart-guy" for first. I love how much he has to put up with the other characters not liking him. The half-sighed resignation in his voice every time he responds to someone insulting him is hilarious.

I hope our little game isn't causing you to perspire.


Considering the Gormagon thing has pretty much been thrown away.. it's safe to say he's not. With his abused past, I could never see him helping someone who hurts others. I freakin hate Daisy though. She makes me want to claw my eyes out.
