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I must heartily disagree. I felt his acting in Freaks and Geeks hit head on. Sam in the show is a high school freshman, dealing with many of life's ups and downs for the first time. Of course he's awkward. Entering my senior year, I still know guys dealing with the "awkward" stage. I felt that Daley's direction was completely relevant and relate able to many feelings and emotions that teenagers deal with. I related to him even though I'm a girl and haven't faced some of the things Sam had too.

More so, I think that entire geek cast was brilliant. They all remind of the feelings and troubles that high school brings and they brought some hilarious but overlooked comedy to the show.


"In Freaks and Geeks at least. Man, i felt so awkward and just uncomfortable to watch try to act. He seems so fake and so forced it's ridiculous"

I thought he was very natural.


He was very natural.


he kicks @ss


Well I think people can feel uncomfortable watching him and maybe confuse it with thinking he can't act. I think he did a gread job on freaks and geeks. Stuff in high school is uncomfortable and he showed that really well.


Disgraceful?!!? No way!! Certainly not perfect but equally certainly not disgracful. I thought his acting was very convincing. I knew kids in jr high who behaved and talked (with the quavers and awkward kiddish voice) liked that. Very good acting.


I thought he was quite an exceptional kid actor. He had a couple of weak moments early on in the series but all up, he was excellent.


I thought he was SO good in Freaks and Geeks. His acting felt so natural and real - It was really good acting, especially for someone his age.

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