So annoying.

I hate this guy. I want David B. to punch him in the face.
He's like 12.
They need an older guy not this douche. I hope they kill him off.


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lol, I actually think he's good for the show, but it's the directors decisions really.


UGH i know he is sooo annoying im like dude please be quiet!! i dont like sweets and i think he is gormagon (however u spell it lol)


...says the *zanessa fan*..lmfao.
he is awsome
i love sweets.


Amen, dropdead! He makes the show light.


Good Gods NO! I love him. He's my favorite new addition to the cast. Especially with the dizzying number of interns rotating through episodes.

He's adorable, amusing and fits in perfectly with all the other cast.

I'm gonna have to say you're probably in the minority on this one.


Very disappointing to go from Zack which was insanely great, to this, ordinary boring guy :\

Could anyone explain me the point of breaking up a great team that works? I could understand it if the guy didn't work and was boring, but nobody can deny how cool Zack was.


Booooo! He's awesome!
