The Gormogon?

I know the writers probably planted Sweets in the show in order to be the red herring of all red herrings, but does anyone else think he may be The Gormogon?

He is a genius. He has gigantic teeth which look like veneers or fakes (The Gormogon pulled his teeth out). And he has the slight build we saw in The Gormogon being chased by Booth.

So, yes, he could be a red herring, or the writers might think that the audience would be smart enough to pick up on that, so he's actually The Gormogon while we all dismiss him because he's almost TOO obvious a choice.


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I was actually thinking about that when I was watching one of the episodes last night. Let's just say it wouldn't suprise me if he is Gormogon.

Can`t believe you looked!!


I SO don't think he's Gormogon. I paused the screen at the end of Knight on the Grid, and it didn't look like him, it looked like Aleksei Chadov :D

Aww man, I shot Marvin in the face.


I totally agree... my roommate and I were talking about that the other day... I think so... can't wait to see how it will all turn out... but if he is, that will screw up the whole therapy thing that Booth and Bones have been doing, don't you think?

Something must be said about the stupid people in the world...


I don't think he is Gormogon because that would completely undermine everything that he is doing as thier it when he makes B&B uncomfortable...also when he is like "you kissed?" classic! Hope he ain't the killer for B&B relationships sake!


me too!
plus i love him,
so i dont really want
him to be taken
off of the show
that would make
me super :(



I was wondering if anyone else caught that! At the end of the episode where he comes out of the door at the guy!
